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A Modest Way to Earn IM-Modest Income
8/31/2007 11:54:19 AM

I will try to be short, but I must tell you how I got into this particular business.

I have been in network marketing since 1996, and came online in 2000.  I accidentally started making money with a banner I placed on a site while trying to learn HTML, and that got me hooked.

While teaching myself the ins and outs of Internet Marketing (at least some of them), and playing around with web pages, search engines, and various forms of advertising, I paid out a lot in time, frustration, and money.

However, I finally pushed my Internet income over the six-figure mark in 2005 after almost getting there in 2004.  I work primarily with health and fitness related products and services, but, since I used Internet marketing to do that, I also encountered some Internet marketing products along the way as I also acquired a basic set of skills.

Earlier this year, I needed a couple of domain names for a project I was working on, but, as usual, all the good, short, put-on-a-business-card .com's, .net's, .biz's etc. seemed to be taken.   I just wanted the domain names to reflect important key phrases, so I took a look at .ws.

That took me to GDI (Global Domains International).

I bought my domains with no idea of doing the business.  Then, being an Internet marketer by definition (I guess it's in the blood), I decided to promote the business since it came along with the domain names.

So, I built two small websites, did as much as I had time to do, tried to use the basic tenets of search engine optimization on them, submitted them to the search engines, wrote a couple of articles with links back to them, and forgot about them.

A few weeks later, while checking my email, I was surprised to learn that I had a couple of prospects.  After that, it was one or two every day or so.  Not all signed up, and, as expected, not all that signed up stayed. 

However, one of those simple little sites - - now gets almost 500 hits a week, most from Google, but all wanting to know about GDI.

Without me doing much more than what I had done before, my downline is steadily growing.  I cannot leave my main, and relatively certain, source of income to pursue GDI harder, but, if I had the time, I am sure that it would be growing much faster.

If you would like to learn more about the GDI, Global Domain Names, business opportunity or product, please visit to see the modest little website that is pushing everything along for me.  If you would prefer to go directly to a GDI site, please CLICK HERE

You can also send me questions through AdlandPro as well.

Best of luck to everyone in all your endeavors.

Don Baldwin


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