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Panda Pointers- Friends--Menu and My Friends- Part 1
8/27/2007 2:16:39 PM

Panda Pointers-My Friends Part 1

You have many options for managing your friends list to

suit your special needs. Here are some helps to get you

started. In the end practice will be the best teacher.

This page covers the overview of places to find your friends

and only the first menu item: My friends

So here we go!!


                           WHERE ARE YOUR FRIENDS

Open your site to the home page and click on networking.

A menu bar appears on the Left. click on Friends and

it opens to a menu:

>>My friends: All the friends in a row

>>Invitations: who has invited you, waiting for action

>>Invited: your list of pending invitations, waiting for their response

>>Blocked: Profile pic of those with which you don't want contact

>>Inf: Adlandpro "friends" tutorial


In the center of your page is a blue box.... Statistics about your friends

list is also available:

>>Messages from friends

>>Number of friends

>>Number of Friends to accept

Click on any of these menu items and another screen opens to that subject.


                                      MY FRIENDS

Using the letters of the alphabet, choose your friends first name. All friends

with that initial letter on their first name appear. Practice on your own my

pointing your mouse on a pic. From this spot you can:

>>know if they are on line (little blue ball)

>>live chat

>>send written messages

>>open to their complete profile

>>open to their friends list (you can do that on their profile also)

>>How many days til their birthday

>>remove from your list

>>Block-cancel any announcements from them

Arranging the pages:

>>By first name: use the alphabet across the top. Click on first letter

                                      of the name

>>of the person you wish to find.

>>Arrange the pages in alphabetical order

>>Arrange by Who is the most recent person to log in--that

                                 is the default (home) arrangement

>>Sort by birthday tab is at the top with the other being the default page

>>Use page number arrows to move forward or back in your book of friends


When you are finished finding your friends use your green back button to go back to the

main page.

We will cover the next items on the main menu in subsequent postings.

If I'm not your friend click on my pic to the left of this post and click on invite tab.

I'll be watching for you.


Mentoring for free: Panda Pointers "We Never Stop Learning"



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Re: Panda Pointers- Friends--Menu and My Friends- Part 1
8/27/2007 3:47:00 PM

Hi Mary,

WOW! You did an excellent job here ~ all the explanations are very nicely written and easy to understand. I think this is great for our new people and will surely be a huge help to them!

Thanks for caring and sharing Mary as always!

God Bless You,

Love Marilyn

Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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Re: Panda Pointers- Friends--Menu and My Friends- Part 1
8/28/2007 9:01:18 AM
Hi Mary, You're well on the way to writing the definitive guide to Adland Community. Great job!
Flag of Jill Bachman

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Re: Panda Pointers- Friends--Menu and My Friends- Part 1
11/26/2007 4:08:04 AM

Hi Mary,

This is such an awesome forum TOPIC! all I can say!

Keep up the great work, and we all appreciate you so much  :-)

Hugs,  Jill

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