NUMBER 109!!! 

Greetings To Everyone At AdlandPro From John Sanchez and Pauline Raina!
It’s time again for my favorite project of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is my favorite project because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people. Thank you so much for your support and for making thist event so special. Love and Blessings to you all! John R. Sanchez
POTW forum Partners Pauline Raina and John Sanchez

The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was to honor people who have a positive influence on this community. To qualify the person has to be an active member and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member for the Feature of the Week (also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). This criterion can be seen at the site below:
How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?
To be chosen as Person of the week you:
• Are highly visible on the community
• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.
• Must be nominated for the program by another member of the Community and voted on by other members.
• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.

This week we’re honoring one of AdlandPro’s veteran members with the Person of the Week award, his name is James Wright. James is a military man who has seen a lot of the world and who has a lot of interesting experiences to share with us here at AdlandPro. His Faith has made him the strong person that he is and it has molded him into the type of individual that blesses all with kind gestures and helpful acts. Congratulations James on having won the POTW award! Enjoy your POTW week as you soar over the skies of AdlandPro! :-)

Here's James' bio:
Hi Pauline, John, and each one of you who took the time to vote for me
. I am humbled, elated, and very thankful to be nominated the 109th Person Of The Week here at Adlandpro. Let the party begin!!!
The pages of my life began in Takoma Park, Maryland, on November 10, 1956. I did a little research and discovered Martin Luther, of all people, shares my birthdate. I was a graduation present I'm told. At two years of age my father accepted a call to Florida, just north of Orlando to a place called Forest Lake Academy. One of the things I remember while there was I received a cruise ship kit for my birthday that had a little electric motor on it. On it's maiden voyage, on what was known as Mirror Lake, I set it to sail. We had a little ceremony first and then it sped away from shore, eventually my dad had to swim frantically to retrieve it before it got away into the wild deep blue yonder.
I have 3 siblings of which I am the second eldest. An older sister Judy (a nurse), a younger sister Jeannie (also a nurse), and a younger brother Jon (successful businessman). Yes, a bunch of J-birds!
When I was five years old my father accepted a call to the mission field, to a place called Bethel college, near Butterworth, in South Africa. (My brother Jon was born there in 1965). In October of 1963, we boarded a Norwegian fishing vessel (for real this time!) which had a newly rebuilt engine (not yet broken in) from New York all the way to Cape Town, called the Nordholm. It took us 3 long weeks and we encountered some severe storms, but nothing like Katrina. I became aquainted with the captain and every once in a while he'd let me steer the ship (not for long of course). We had to wet the tablecloth to keep the dishes from slipping off the table while we were eating. One of the things I remember about that venture was going to the bow of the ship and watching the flying fish come out of the water as the seabreese would hit my face (as in Titanic). When we finally arrived in Cape Town, South Africa, we could smell the fragrance of the Proteas (National Flower) from across the bay. Table Mountain had a gentle layer of clouds over top of it, just like a table cloth...hence it's name. When we got off the ship, solid ground kept rocking and rolling for a while!!
On November the 22nd, soon after we arrived in South Africa, we heard about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, and the world was in shock. As we all know, the course of American History was changed.
I spent 12 years in Africa as a child, 4 years in South Africa, 4 years in Malawi, (old Nyasaland) and 4 years in Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia).
In 1969 the Apollo 11 Mission landed on the moon. We did not have television in those days in Malawi, so we listened to the whole lunar landing on short wave radio. I remember the words by Commander Neil Armstrong..."One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind."
When I was 18, in the summer of 1975, I came back to the United States. I toured Europe on the way, including Old Jerusalem and went for a swim in the Dead Sea (no, you cannot sink!). Theory has it that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are buried mostly under the Dead Sea. (Two of the most wicked cities of the time). You have heard the story of Lot and his wife? That's where she turned into salt because she turned around when she was told not to.
In 1976 I learned to fly, and soloed on my 19th birthday. In 1977 I attained my Private Pilot's License from a lady by the name of Evelyn Bryan Johnson, at Morristown, Tn. From what I understand, she is still living at the age of 97, and was still flying up to about 6 months ago when she was involved in a car accident and had to have one of her legs amputated. I believe she is still the airport manager there. She is being inducted into the hall of aviation fame as the oldest lady with the most flying hours of all time. (Over 57000 hours). She is also in the Guinness World Book of Records.
In 1978 I went to undergrad school at Andrews University, in Berrien Springs, Michigan where I achieved a bachelor degree in Aviation Technology and Business Administration and began teaching flying at Andrews Airpark.
In 1986, I was involved (as a passenger) in an airplane accident (Piper Aztec) near Mexico City, and almost lost my life. I felt the good Lord was watching over me, because I walked away from it unscathed.
In 1989 I set foot in my first Learjet 24B, (photo is a look alike) it's a long story, one of which I will not go into here but the nose of the aircraft had a skull and a crossbone on it. The captain of the ship was the owner of the company and well versed in the aircraft. Needless to say, my first trip in the aircraft I will never forget. By the time we arrived at 41000 feet I had not yet finished the taxi checklist! What a thrill it was. If you would like to know the whole story, I'd be happy to share it with you!
In 2003, I decided I needed something to do when I was not flying so I traded a 1967 Volkswagen bumper for a computer, and started learning about the internet. It was not long after that when I discovered Adlandpro. I soon found out I was dumping a bundle of money into all these promising opportunities that really didn't lead me anywhere but in the hole financially. I began to realize there are alot of scams out there and there are more people who only want to take your money and leave you sinking when you just had your head above the water to begin with.
Here's some advice.
If you are going to achieve anything, anywhere in life, you'll have to work hard, spend lots of time and effort trying to figure it out or guess what? It will not happen. If you like what you are doing, you will do whatever it takes to succeed. Take your dreams and put them into action, because no one else will.
Remember this:
"Remain Focused and You Will Succeed!"
I've found some of the most helpful, friendly, professional people on the internet here at Adlandpro. Networking has exploded in the last few years, and in order to be successful, you need a presence where people can get to know and trust you. There are so many people out there who only want your money, and with all the opportunities floating around these days the good ones are far and few. Adlandpro has given us the opportunity to network market.
Recently, I've been spending more time in the air than on the ground, in transport of patients who are in need of moving from a remote location, primarily in the Caribean Islands back home to the United States for critical care. I've had the privilege of visiting some exotic of places in South America, like Trujillo, Peru, and Sao Paulo, Brazil. I've also recently visited Havana, Cuba, of all places!!
I am constantly trying to improve myself, and my ability to serve other people. I get satisfaction out of this, and I do enjoy flying Learjets. The acceleration on takeoff is not quite like an F-16, but similar to a T-38 for those who may know or are interested in knowing. The only thing missing are the afterburners (for supersonic flight). The hours are long and tiresome but the rewards are great.
My mother has recently been in the hospital with a double surgery on her neck, and the support here at Adlandpro, has been uplifting. For those of you who know and responded to my forum thread, my mother has begun physical therapy, and is well on her way to a full recovery. Thank you for your prayers and your support!
I just began a new job with Kalitta Charters. I am proud to be associated with Doug Kalitta, who owns and operates the company. He is also a well known Drag Racer.
I have been in training since the 4th of June and went online the first of August. It has been grueling, but I ended up first in my class, with an average score of 98%, of which I am very proud. I will doing the same type of work, primarily air ambulance, with a company called Air Ambulance Specialists of Denver, Colorado. It is my goal to learn as much as I can from this company, and apply it to the company which I am currently marketing as my own Desert Sun Aviation. Please feel free to join my newsletter and link to my website!
Thank you Bogdan, for providing this community. Thanks to John, Pauline, (POTW Forum) for giving me the opportunity to share a little of my story here!
Things I Like:
Cooking, eating and sharing a good vegetarian dish. Internet video songs, Mozart, Handel, Grieg, Beethoven, hand whistling, sitting on top of the rock on the hill in my back yard and watching and listening to trains coming and going off in the distance, flying for fun, reading personal letters from snail mail or emails, internet activities, internet friends, watching a desert sunset, discussing religion, roasting corn or marshmallows around a campfire and telling stories, muscle cars, 20 series learjets, old trucks, pre-1968 VWs, helping people. And last but not least by any means, a good theological discussion.
Things I Love:
Meeting strangers (especially from abroad) and making friends with them. Good conversation, spending time with my pets, popcorn, cheese, roasted almonds, spending time with loved ones, or friends, traveling to new places, looking down on a thunderstorm from 45 thousand feet, Hershey's Kisses. God, Family, Women...(Yes, I'm still single!)
Things I Hate:
Horse flies that bite, mosquitoes, ticks, flees, bed bugs, goatheads, flat tires, cigarette breath, cigars, pipe smoke, doing laundry, gas guzzlers, spectator sports, restroom reading, witnessing war on television, politics, house cleaning, destructive fires, allergies, liars, thieves, cheaters, people who beat around the bush, snakes, brown recluse spiders, (got bit by one recently) skunks, porcupines, moles, mice, leaking roofs, 115 degrees, dial-up, unsupervised 16 year olds behind the wheel, freeway noise, being stuck in freeway traffic. People who take advantage of others.
Things That Make Me Upset:
Kids (or adults) riding their noisy 4 wheelers up the hill in my back yard. Trespassers, those who intentionally block my gate with their vehicle. Loud music next door and all I can hear is the base, beggers who aren't beggers, tardiness, animal abusers, dripping water, toilets that need flushing more than once, loose objects flapping in the breeze when I'm trying to sleep, barking dogs, slow downloads.
If I am not on your list of friends, please invite me!! Please join my monthly newsletter, sometimes more, depending upon the news I run across relating to health issues, and aviation related issues. Just scroll down near the bottom of the homepage on my website, and there you will find the sign up link. Also, please feel free to link to my website, if you have that capability. I will need an email address, and a link, and the spot you'd like your link to be placed.
God Bless!
James Wright
Desert Sun Aviation
"Let Us Help Take Care of Your Air Ambulance Needs."
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Agloco - Own the internet.
Revolving Travel - Turn a one time $65 fee into $6000 over and over again.
10kHits4UNow - Traffic Exchange with an excellent support team.

Well Folks, if you didn’t know James well before you sure do now with that in-depth Bio of his. Please take the time to congratulate him now and please invite him to join your list of friends if he isn’t on it already.
James, your week of honor is way over due so we hope it is extra special for you. Have a blessed week as our POTW and King of AdlandPro! ;-)
What's that in the sky? Is it a plane? Is it a bird? No, it's James Wright soaring over AdlandPro! :-)

© Copyrighted John R. Sanchez
Love and Blessings to all of you from,
John Sanchez and Pauline Raina
Folks, if you haven't voted for next week's POTW(number 110) you still can at:
Thank you Folks for your support and participation!
Love ya all!!!