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Word of the Day - Mulct - Aug 25, 2007
8/25/2007 10:52:46 AM

Word of the Day
Saturday August 25, 2007

mulct \MULKT\, noun:
1. A fine or penalty.

transitive verb:
1. To punish for an offense or misdemeanor by imposing a fine or demanding a forfeiture.
2. To obtain by fraud or deception.
3. To defraud; to swindle.

Officials repaid such loans by mulcting the public in a variety of legal and extra-legal ways.
-- William H. McNeill, A World History

The fact that major corporations don't have to pay their own way, and instead are able to enlist legislators to mulct common citizens -- and businesses with more modest Washington connections -- deforms the entire political system.
-- Doug Bandow, "The Bipartisan Scandal of U.S. Corporate Welfare"

State lawmakers and state courts . . . [have] ditched old common law rules so as to charge deep-pocket defendants with harms that were once considered other people's fault, thus making it thinkable to mulct automakers for the costs of drunk drivers' crashes
-- Walter Olson, "Firing Squad", Reason, May 1999

Mulct comes from Latin multa, "a fine." Entry and Pronunciation for mulct

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Re: Word of the Day - Mulct - Aug 25, 2007
8/25/2007 12:05:47 PM

I use another very similar sounding word.  The picture on my OPINIONS page pretty much says it all.  If you need an explaination. 

Thanks BJ

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Re: Word of the Day - Mulct - Aug 25, 2007
8/25/2007 2:53:04 PM
Thanks Bj I always thought the government was "milking us dry", but now I stand corrected the government is MULCTING us dry to provide for Illegals. (lol)

God Bless,

God Bless Everyone
Flag of Mary Hannan

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Re: Word of the Day - Mulct - Aug 25, 2007
8/25/2007 3:24:34 PM

Hi Bj,
If you keep this up, I may learn something!


Re: Word of the Day - Mulct - Aug 25, 2007
8/25/2007 4:15:10 PM
Hey B J, So we're not being 'scammed', we're being 'mulcted'? Beginning to sound an awful lot like another word...hmmm...

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