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PANDA POINTERS- Friendly Behavior
8/25/2007 10:12:58 AM


It is not necessary to yell (post in screaming letters), use,poor language or throw ads in people's faces to have a good working relationship here in Adlandpro.

 People have a right to disagree but do it as if you were at.......well that doesn't work.....just be nice!! Sometimes it is the quietest workers, working their jobs with consistency that win the most friends.

Excuse me, I didn't say names on the list, I said friends.......true, helpful, supportive, friends. Here is a forum that I often send to people, suggesting they might like to read. I know of one person who includes this forum in her welcome letter.

It may be old but it still applies. Yes, recommending a nice forum is like giving your new neighbor a plate of homemade cookies to welcome them. You, altho not feeling like an expert, can always lend a helpful hand to a newcomer by giving some guidance. If you don't know, refer them on to someone who can help.

Send your friends an invitation to meet your new friends, join a forum, tell about someone who went the extra mile for you. Register for the Buddy Program where you can be an instant outreach to someone with a question.

Join in community activities ,Use Feedback: On everyprofile there is a place called stats (statistics) where you can see what people have said about others. Granted, people only say nice things but I think you can see a difference in statements judging sincere from gush.

If you see porno profiles or promotions be a good neighborhood watch member and contact the administration, via report abuse --gavel button on the left menu.

What is friendlier than a place where people are considerate of the Terms of Service. *********************************************************** I just know I missed some really great ideas here so please do leave a comment.

AAA advertising:  *********************************************************

I'm not your friend, come invite me

Flag of Daniel Meritt

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Re: PANDA POINTER- Friendly Behavior
8/25/2007 4:01:16 PM

Thank You for that.

Thoses were WISE WORDS.



Flag of Mary Hofstetter

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Re: PANDA POINTER- Friendly Behavior
8/25/2007 5:39:23 PM
Hi Daniel, That is a nice commpliment. Wisdom is very important. We can make all the mistakes in the world but to learn from them is the important lesson. In order to avoid many of the problems I have experienced I dedicate this series of forums to new members of Adlandpro.
Re: PANDA POINTER- Friendly Behavior
8/26/2007 3:24:38 AM
Hello Mary,

Thanks for all the info, I'm not that new but reminders are good too.  I always say "You can get more bees with honey than with vinegar".  I always treat people as I would want to be treated, with decency and dignity, after all we are all human.  To err is human.

God Bless,

God Bless Everyone
Flag of Mary Hofstetter

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Re: PANDA POINTERS- Friendly Behavior
8/26/2007 10:55:46 AM
Hi Gabriel, We have many personalities but one goal. To help each other succeed? Maybe it is to further our own cause with no holding back. Those choices shine through very quickly when one looks at their list of friends and their behavior. Gab, I also thought of that phrase/saying when I wrote this as it truely applies. Your forum gets spammed-forgive Personal mail full of ads- make them a friend and help them No one buys your product---stop asking friends popups drive you crazy---turn them off In short do what you can do to make Adlandpro work for you. Bad and good behavior will always be here. Choose which one will control your time in Adlandpro.

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