When many of you get invited to a program do you really read the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and F.A.Q. BEFORE you join?
Most people don't. Yet, they click the box and say they did read it. Oooooh, such liars. Why don't people read them? Boring reading. Guess what? Better read them. If you see something you don't agree with and you joined you will fight a losing battle and can be deleted from the program. So you wasted your time signing up just to get deleted. WOW. Time well spent.
Another point I bring up about this. What if they don't HAVE these available for you to read before joining? Well, they are hiding something and most likely a scam. And, if they don't have a contact us link available without joining there is another warning.
Just some more tips to battling the horrible scams being advertised.
Best to you.