Heres the thing -
If you are a member of any affiliate business where you advertise your URL, for example one of my pages is , we will presume that "affiliates" is my ID (although this is not one of my affiliate sites, it is just an example). People could see your advertisment and either remove your ID (as in type , which in this case takes you to the wrong page, in their browser) to join the scheme or not join your scheme straight away, see someone elses advertisement later on, and join using their ID.
Now you can see you have just lost this new signup in your downline. Wouldn't it be nice to prevent this?
Try this link - - As you can see this link takes you to , but three things have just happened: 1) You didn't get the chance to remove my "affiliate" ID. 2) I have a record of your visit to my site. 3) (The one I like the best) If you now follow anyone elses link to this site, the system knows that you originally came from and keeps my "affiliate" ID.
Have a look and see what you think (I am sorry, ther is an ad there (because I am showing you the free version), just scroll down a little and click "Continue to the site")