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Sharon Lee

6727 Posts
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MANY,,,MANY,,,MANY WAYS To Promote Your JERKY DIRECT , JD PREMIUM PRODUCTS Business. Please Take A LOOK & Ad YOUR Idea's Too!!!
8/11/2007 8:52:17 AM
Hey everyone!!! Here are LOTS of ways to promote your JD Business. Thank you Patricia Bartch for submitting this to us all. Please check your back office and you will see MOST Of these materials are FREE For you to print out with YOUR Business name and info too!!

We also have Katheryns Pay Structure and a FreeAdPlanet offer at the bottom. Please read and USE This great stuff to promote YOUR Jerky Direct Business.

Feel free to copy this list and add it to your forums. I found this on a message board and changed so that it pertains JERKY DIRECT and will help us advertise our products & business.

NOTE: Jerky Direct requires us to advertising approved by corporate. Please send your bumpersticker & flyers to them to be approved before you distribute them. It's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make sure your flyers/blots etc have been approved by corporate. Use your judgment, get permission when you put cards/flyers in businesses etc.
one important reminder: Be sure to SPELL CHECK YOUR LETTERS, FLYERS ETC!! A letter with grammatical errors and misspelled words does NOT look professional.
1. Bumper stickers

2. Flyers --

3. Business cards (YOU CAN MAKE THESE FOR FREE. See your back office. or through VistaPrint)

4. Personalized T-shirts (JD also has these in your back office)

5. Message boards

6. Free classifieds

7. E-zines

8. Paid ads

9. Mail out Postcards

10. Purchased leads

11. Bookmarks for libraries

12. Co-ops

13. Newsgroups

14. Word of mouth (friends and family)

15. Forwarded emails - Add your "testimony" to your Signature Line!

16. Inexpensive lapel buttons (PLEASE contact JD to get this approved)

17. Pens to hand out with a SHORT advertisement and your URL (PLEASE contact JD to get this approved)

18. Welcome baby cards for hospitals

19. Request 5 minutes at the beginning of different mom groups (MOPS, Breastfeeding classes, Lamaz classes, wherever moms may be that are interested in what you offer)

20. Create a tri-fold: More info type handout that briefly explains your business. Attach a mini sample & your business card. (PLEASE contact JD to get this approved)

21. Welcome baskets of samples + business card to newcomers in the area

22. Community Colleges -- Students will LOVE to get a part time job!!

23. Put a business card in all outgoing mail including anything that has a postage paid envelope!

24. Visit establishments you do business with (doctor's office, health food stores, karate/dance studios,etc) and ask if you can leave flyers or brochures (PLEASE contact JD to get this approved)

25. Car magnets - You can put magnets all over your car without asking anyone

26. Bookmarks in library books should be cleared with the librarians first

27. Business cards - leave in restrooms at restaurants or on cork boards around grocery stores

28. Get a booth at school events and share what you offer.

29. Check into an ad in school sponsored publications (directories, PTA booklets, etc). A great targeted audience and usually very affordable.

30. Set up a "free giveaway/free info" box in any store that will give you permission.

31. Post flyers at apartment complexes if they will allow it.

32. Under windshield wipers of cars of people who attend your Church (Make sure your church has approved)

33. Sending a pamphlet with a business card with your child to hand out to everyone in his/her class to take home to mommy and daddy (or to each teacher)

34. Buy a pre-inked, personalized stamp and put your ad on it. Stamp the back of all your envelopes that you mail out. LOTS AND LOTS OF look at an envelope before it gets opened by the mail department.

35. Biz cards in the side pockets of diaper bags while shopping

36. Junk mail with the postage paid envelopes, I send a flyer back to the company and it's free postage!

37. On our light poles are clear tubes for the park owners to put flyers and stuff in

38. Make up Gift basket raffles for Church bazaars, fish fries, FREE MUSIC Concerts held during summer, at your local community hall, any town function (BE SURE TO PUT YOUR BUSINESS CARD, BROCHURE AND FLYER IN BASKET) and biz cards on the table next to it

39. Lots of people love raffles -

40. ALSO make gift baskets for family, friends, neighbors, etc. for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas,
baby showers, bridal showers - you have to buy a gift anyway - make it a VERY SPECIAL one!

41. Replying to spam email with own business ad.

42. Give your business cards to friends and family and ask them to give them out to people they know who might LIKE Jerky and want to MAKE MONEY. Make sure you give your friend a bag of jerky when people enroll or buy from you that they referred.
43. Put up flyers at the local colleges and large grocery stores (PLEASE contact JD to get this approved)

44. Slip biz cards into kids books and toy packaging

45. Slip business cards in children's books at the bookstore

46. In the women's devotional bibles in the Christian book store I put my card and a pamphlet

47. I left pamphlets by the change machine in the mall arcade too! (PLEASE contact JD to get this approved)

48. Use vinyl letters on the sun visor for your car to show your site

49. Use the old metal Band-Aid or gum tins & recover them, put a magnet on the back, then put your business cards in them. Attach this to your car when you go into a store

50. If you go to garage sales, ask if you can leave a few of your flyers there. (PLEASE contact JD to get this approved)

51. My husband and I own a Tractor Trailer (18 wheeler Rig) that travels all over the USA. We have a sign company preparing an ad for the back of the trailer right now. If anyone knows any Owner Operators, they could approach them to ask how much they would charge for advertising on their trailer! (PLEASE contact JD to get this approved)

52. Leave a business card with your tip for your waiter/waitress.

53. Put brochures/flyers on car windshields at your kids sporting events. (PLEASE contact JD to get this approved)

54. I really like the idea of purchasing cheap seed packets (WAL-MART for $.10/each) and putting a cute tag on them with my JD website as well as a saying like "I'm in the business of helping people grow."

55. Pass out sample sizes of jerky at school events (like kids baseball and soccer) packaged cleverly with your business card

56. Business cards with a magnetic back really "stick" in people's minds as well as on their refrigerator!

57. Call the malls and hospitals in your area to see when they are having a baby expo. Attend them and walk around and pass out business cards and/ or brochures.
This pertains to LOTS of expos, not just baby expos. Ladies....go to the WOMEN'S Expos. Get a table. Men...go to CAR expos.
58. Sell Jerky at FARMERS MARKETS!!
From Katheryns Forum............
How we are paid...

ACTIVE STORE: $12 AutoShip minimum has been paid and shipped
INACTIVE STORE: Autoship not been paid and shipped (see below)

Downline Dot System:
Green - ACTIVE status - eligible to receive pay and enroll
Red - store has been cancelled
Blue - autoship has a future ship date
Yellow - store is INACTIVE
If you have a yellow dot their was a problem
processing your payment (contact JD support)

If your store is INACTIVE...
you do not earn commissions
you cannot buy product at wholesale
you cannot enroll others
If your store remains INACTIVE for 3 consecutive months
it will be cancelled

(Your status is now listed on your Account Information page)


RETAIL PAY (all products)
- Minimum $12 Autoship purchase is required to receive pay
-- 20% to the store - 5% to immediate upline

BASIC STATUS - PRODUCTS: jerky, fruit stix, gift-packs, cases)
- Store must be ACTIVE to receive downline pay.
-- WHOLESALE - pays up 1 level (5%)
-- AUTOSHIP - pays up 7-Levels (40%, 5%, 5%, 20%, 5%, 5%, 20%)

ENHANCED STATUS - PRODUCTS: supplements and skin care)
- Your store must purchase $21 or more from an
Autoship/Wholesale Combination to receive pay on
downline purchases.

-- WHOLESALE - pays up 7-Levels on ENHANCED items & Gift Packs
-- AUTOSHIP - pays up 7-Levels on ALL products
-- CASES - pays up 1-level at 5% of cost (No Autoship)

for each product on BUY WHOLESALE pages in MY ACCOUNT


* "$0.00" Commissions do not qualify for 7-Level upline pay.
* Purchasing Gift packs or Cases will qualify you to be paid
on ENHANCED products purchased by your downline team
* Gift packs and Cases pay out to BASIC qualified ACTIVE stores
* Gift packs always pay 7-Levels upline (AutoShip & Wholesale)
* BASIC AutoShip Signature Series ($21) pays 7-Levels upline
* BASIC Wholesale Signature Series ($13.25) pays 1-Level at 5%
* Promotional products do qualify for pay of any kind
* Promotional products do not count towards qualifications

* If your store remains INACTIVE for 3 consecutive months,
it will be cancelled and you will lose your position in the
matrix. You must wait 6 months before opening another store.

Autoship - $1.97 regardless of what, or how much, you order
Retail & Wholesale - UPS Ground (other options are available)

When your commissions are higher than your autoship cost,
your next month's autoship plus shipping will be deducted
from this month's commissions (instead of your credit/debit card)

PC does not earn pay
PC may not enroll others
You may not PLACE stores beneath a PC
PCs create a "dead leg" in your downline
PC Autoship pays 7-levels upline
PC Wholesale pays 1 level upline
I have used PlanetX since 2001.
If Our Team ALL Starts to use this....EYEs Will Open!!!
Imagine opening this site and seeing all Jerky/JDRadiance
ads!!!..Wink Just a FEW Minutes a day is all you will
need for this. FREE Members can post 2 Ads. Read just
a few a day to stay active. IT WORKS!

There are IMPORTANT Instructions at the bottom of this

100% Free to Join. From PlanetX Mail. Sharon Lee and ALL Affiliates Of PlanetX Mail.
In Keeping With The Times Of marketing,,, We Introduce
To YOU...

Click the Link to get started Now!!

We Are PlanetX, An Established Double Opt In Service
For Marketers Since 2001. We Have NEVER Had A Complaint!!!

Featuring a Push-Pull Credit and Commissions Based
System like nothing seen before.

If people are not viewing your ADs then their ADs disappear!
This compels them to View your ADs in order to keep
their ADs visible. This marriage of Advertiser with
Prospect will finally get your ADs read.

Free Members earn 10-20% commissions on all Sponsored

Free AD Planet was designed by the same folks at Planet
X Forms and Planet X Mail Box.

Years of experience and writing ultra secure code as
a result.

The focus is on active member participation in viewing
Classified Style ADs based on a Push-Pull Credit System.
If the Credits run out in an account, those ADs attached
to that account will not be displayed. This then compels
the AD owner to Log Into his/her account and start
Earning Credits back so their ADs reappear for others
to see.

How they earn the Credits is by viewing other Members
ADs. This is a perfect marriage between the Advertisers
and the Prospects. Your ADs will get seen!

We ensure Top Quality Advertising to General and Global
Communities seeking to expose their Products and Services
to the World in a Low Cost Fashion. Without compromising
Quality of Service or your Privacy.

Most AD Agencies charge thousands of dollars for the
most basic Banner and Text AD services. Most people
do not have this kind of Budget. Instead, we focus
on Individual and Small Business needs. Offering Free
and Paid services catered to match a variety of peoples
background and community.

Individuals and Small Business can not afford Large
Corporate Advertising rates, hence, our line of sites
cater to the general interests of working class people,

Free AD Planet is a place to do Free effective Advertising
to the planet! This is how the system works, because
who has time these days?

Create a Free Account. Your privacy like last name
and email are kept private.
Our system is Double Optin, so no worries about spam.

Once logged in you can...

Submit Text ADs.

Submit Logo and Text AD combos called Bill Board ADs.

Submit Targeted Text ADs.

Submit Exit ADs which people see when they log out
or mail out.

ALL Credit Based, so people that participate are rewarded.
People that do not participate get 'Credit Drain'
and their ADs become invisible.

Build your Downline and earn 20-30% commissions on
each purchase they make.

Mail your Downline every couple days.

If an AD system allows everyone to post an AD then
run away, the consequence will be that everyone will
do the same thing and no one will pay attention to
any of the ADs. (Including your ADs.) This post and
run behavior is counter productive.

This is not a Post 'n Run system/website. Tell me
what benefit would that be if everyone was doing the
same thing? We entice people to return because, if
they do not, their ADs will become invisible.

You keep your ADs visible to the public
by SIMPLY...
Having Credits in your Account. (Earn them by viewing
ADs. Takes only seconds.)
You benefit by knowing others are doing the same thing
in order to Earn Credits!
Give and Take is a phrase we have all learned that

Free AD Planet wants to help you succeed by allowing
you a way to Advertise to others.

Your EMAIL Will NEVER Be sold......
Even your Sponsor does not know your Email Address.
Our system allows people to Advertise safely. Free
AD Planet itself will never give out any information
to other AD Agencies.

We run the Top SafeList Host on the Planet with Hundreds
of Thousands of accounts since 2001 and have never
been in trouble with Privacy or SPAM Laws.

This is because we are not in it for any short term
gains. In fact, we are here to help you succeed at
Advertising your Products and Services. Without active
members, we could not exist.

Free members earn...
20% commission on all Pro members you sponsor.
10% commission when your sponsored members purchases
from Buy ADs

Pro members earn...
30% commission on all Pro members you sponsor.
20% commission when your sponsored members purchases
from Buy ADs
Note: Maturity for each commission transaction will
be 30 days from date of sale. This helps reduce fraud
and dealing with refunds. Once the commission is Matured,
it will be paid out to you.

Free AD Planet and PlanetX Mail (KellysafeList) were
produced by the same company.

We have arranged it so PRO Members can easily Transfer
Credits Earned at (KellySafeList)
to be used at freeadplanet. This means you can Advertise
using effective Email Advertising (planetxmail) and
compliment that with Classified Style Advertising.

Just CLICK The Link To Check Us Out FOR FREE!!

And Remember,,, You can use your KellySafeList credits
with This Program. Exisiting Members of KellySafeList
now can add more exposure to YOUR Business.

New KSL Members can sign up at
and email us your FreePlanetAd User name at
And We will upgrade you to a Executive account for


1- Place your free ads in the 2 categories that you
are allowed to as a free member.

2- Login everyday and take 5 minutes to review as many
ads as you can for credits.

3- Refer members for more credits.

4- At the end of your daily session,,, Go to your profile
and tranfer as many credits as possible to your "LOCKED"
Credits. be sure to keep at least 30 OPEN for your
When these credits accumulate,,You can purchase additional
ads that only Paid members can. (Its like being a
PAID Member)

5- The "EXIT" ads are the best and are seen more
than any other ad!!

IF We all place our JD ads in the exit!! Imagine the
visibility we we have!!!
Victoria Hurst

648 Posts
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Re: MANY,,,MANY,,,MANY WAYS To Promote Your JERKY DIRECT , JD PREMIUM PRODUCTS Business. Please Take A LOOK & Ad YOUR Idea's Too!!!
8/11/2007 8:59:18 AM


Thank you for all the updates and information.   Go Jerky Direct!!

Re: MANY,,,MANY,,,MANY WAYS To Promote Your JERKY DIRECT , JD PREMIUM PRODUCTS Business. Please Take A LOOK & Ad YOUR Idea's Too!!!
8/11/2007 8:42:43 PM
Hi Sharon,

I'm not even in Jerky Direct because I live in Australia, but it's so delicious, I wish I could eat it all the time! I sent Linda Harvey some money once to send me some, but the postage is just too much to do it often. I even tell others sometimes about JD because I think it's a great little business to join.

Anyway, here are some great places for JD members to promote it. They are all free, and some also have low cost advertising options or upgrades. Don't be put off by the safelist links. These are ones that don't involve reading a million emails to be able to send yours out...that's why I use them (lol), and I do get results.


"One could trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency" Dr Linus Pauling, two time Nobel Laureate Get ALL the facts - your health depends on it
Re: MANY,,,MANY,,,MANY WAYS To Promote Your JERKY DIRECT , JD PREMIUM PRODUCTS Business. Please Take A LOOK & Ad YOUR Idea's Too!!!
8/11/2007 9:46:34 PM
Hi again,

Here is another link that I hadn't added to my list yet. I joined it yesterday to pay for some advertising. It was only $6 to buy 1000 credits to have my ad read and then my website visited. I really like their system because members do actually have to read your ad and visit your website. Then your website stays open for a certain length of time and they have to close the window. They can only read one ad at a time and view the linked website, so you get their attention.

Take care,

"One could trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency" Dr Linus Pauling, two time Nobel Laureate Get ALL the facts - your health depends on it
Nick Sym

23156 Posts
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Re: MANY,,,MANY,,,MANY WAYS To Promote Your JERKY DIRECT , JD PREMIUM PRODUCTS Business. Please Take A LOOK & Ad YOUR Idea's Too!!!
8/12/2007 12:37:19 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works

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