Unlike the Flying Rhino Award that denotes a disloyal person or group, The Flying Rhino from BCN News and TGAMM FM Radio is awarded on Friday's to those who provide humor in the market place.
Here is this weeks winner
Thank you Joe for posting your link to here this is a fantastic piece of work. I am though confused a little by how this is relevant to group mentality and team work and working in a selfless manner.
Am I missing something? I am for the most part up to speed with most things but you lost me.
I am engorged with work on our site but I available in our main room most of the time. Please come to http://cmu7.com and chat. or you can find me in our main room here http://www.cmu7.com/Conference.exe
You have got my attention and curiosity stimulated for sure.
Brad West ~*~ onomoney
\co-founder cmu7.com
Oh Boy!