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Trina Sonnenberg

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Gurus and Internet Marketing Riches
8/9/2007 2:25:41 PM
The Problem With Internet Marketing
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg

The real reason that most Internet marketing hopefuls never make it is something none of the gurus will ever clue you in on. Yet, they profit from it every day. That's right, they profit from your lack of profit. I know, it sounds strange, so I will explain.

I will go out on a limb here and say that 90% of everyone who comes to the Internet, looking to stake their claim, fails. They fail, not because they chose the wrong business opportunity either. It is because they market to the wrong people.

Oh sure, the gurus all tell you how important it is to target your market, but you are their target market. They sell you their latest, greatest stuff, knowing that you will promote it for the almighty affiliate dollar, to other marketers, for them. Not only does this make them money, but it usually costs you more than your commission is worth.

But I advertise for free!, you say. Well, you lose because while you're running around trying to get people to buy the guru gadget, you're not promoting your own business opportunity. You are promoting their business.

Promoting your business opportunity to people who already have one is pretty counter-productive, if you ask me. And that is what most folks out there are doing. Traffic exchange owners can verify that. They built their business on marketers trying to sell to other marketers, and it has been a resounding success for them.

Not all traffic is created equal, and that is where many make their mistake. If you are promoting a business opportunity, who cares if you get a million hits to your site, if they all come from others who are trying to market their own business opportunity? They aren't interested in what you've got. They are viewing your site, because they want their site viewed. That's it. Furthermore, if you're using this method of advertising to push affiliate programs, or affiliate products, chances are, that many of the sites you'll surf through are your competitors, not buyers.

Target your traffic to those you want to attract... BUYERS, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY SEEKERS, etc... The reason that the gurus are making buckets of money, and you're not is because you are their target market, and they've got you driving traffic to their stuff.
Meanwhile... your genuine business opportunity gets shoved to the back of the stove and put on simmer, or turned off all together.

It is my opinion that they [gurus] make money teaching you how to sell their stuff, not your own. I'm sure that if anyone used the information provided by gurus, to promote themselves, they would probably be successful, but that affiliate carrot is just too hard for most to resist.

Some teach you about the concept known as the sales funnel. The irony is that while you are reading about it, you're stuck in it. You open the ebook, and you've now entered the funnel zone. Whether you buy more of their stuff, sign up for their programs, or promote their stuff, you are stuck in the zone. They've got you... and your cash!

They've got you so hyped up on how much you can make promoting their latest, great thing, you most likely don't even remember what you've read. You're in your affiliate back office, copying and pasting like a maniac, to promote this thing; the whole reason for buying it, downloading it and reading it, all but forgotten.

Sure, I am cynical; I've been around for awhile.

My tip: Get out of traffic exchanges, and other squirrel cage marketing programs, and get into search engines. Promote yourself.

Copyright © 2007
The Trii-Zine Ezine

About the Author:
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg
Publisher - The Trii-Zine Ezine - Your Trusted Source for Internet Business and Marketing Information. Serving online professionals since 2001. ISSN# 1555-2276

Keywords: Internet marketing, marketing guru, affiliate programs, business opportunity

Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Re: Gurus and Internet Marketing Riches
9/20/2007 3:43:47 PM

Hi Trina,

I think that most of what you say here is absolutely correct. In fact someone hit me with a supposed freebie 3 step something...and when I got into it it turned into signing up for 12 affiliate programs. None of them free, but all with free test drives.  I just need to put my credit card in.

Sometimes the nature of doing business will lead you to certain affiliate programs that are in your interest. I use audio, for example, another  I get some free webtools and low dollar stuff from another website. I am talking abut registering domains etc. I don't promote those at all and don't even think about the money in them. I do give them out when someone could use the tools. It will pay for my services, and that is all I care about, even that isn't a biggie.

I agree that it is best to stick on target even though you may be promoting more then one biz.

Today someone invited me to a Forum regarding "Marketing" when I got there it was some viral program like what you are talking about in your last post. You click on the ad, which links to their website and then the next, 6 times, then you sign up for free and pass it on. Your ad moves down a place, so you could have lots of clicks to your site. The idea is that people are going to see your website and actually get excited and buy from you. I don't think so.

I did sign up and here is why. I decided that there could be a way to use this to my advantage since after all this one really was free. I didn't post my website inside of it. I created a new capture page that just showed my sizzle number and one sentence. "Write down this number" and pointed a Tinyurl at it. Boom that is all you see is a big phone number.  I know these people will only look for 10 seconds. No scrolling, click, hello here I am.

I did that because I agree with you that no one is going to take the time to read anything when clicking through.

On the other hand sometimes it's how you position yourself that I think is important. I do have a market where my buyer is the buyer of other opportunities. That is a fact. Years ago when I was on phones selling investment deals we paid good money for "buyers" lists. These were lists of people who had previously purchased what we were selling. Identifying the characteristics of who they are is important and you can target to them.

At the same time I agree with you that it does not do any good to run around pitching everyone with your opportunity. Cuz I get hit with so many I dont even have time to look - except for may 5 seconds.


Ron O'Daniels

Stay Happy, Ron O'Daniels

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