HI Kathy: Are you willing to help someone else? When we are down we make the mistake of asking for help. That is the time that we need to reach out in help to others. I know that it is logical to think that feeding yourself is what you need to do. Or the many things that those who are not in need take for grantic.
It is just the opposite, those that need the most are those that should be about seeking ways to give. The society we live in will give you, for services rendered. The more services you render, the more you are given. Therefore, THE GREATER THE NEED - THE MORE YOU SHOULD GIVE.
POSE THIS QUESTION: "Would you be interested in establishing a spare time income of $1,500 per month?" To those that say yes, ask for an E-mail address. Those that say anything else - say "I am not at liberty to tell you". There are those that will say: "You can not help yourself so I know you can not help me". To those; say "too bad you feel that way".
I have found that everyone needs an additional source of income; if their income is good - the additional permits treats that would have to be over looked otherwise. If their income is not so good, the additional permits a level of comfort that brings a smile to the face. We all can use additional income. If you are serious about help E-mail me.