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Carla Carey

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Devotion from God's Daily Promises
8/7/2007 7:55:05 AM

Hello Friends,

Here is a devotion from God's Daily Promises.

Hope you enjoy it! God bless you all!

Tuesday, August 7
This week's promise: Those who trust in God are no longer guilty

Think you're an exception?

For all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious ideal.

Romans 3:23 NLT

Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.
James 4:17 NLT

Details, please?

(1.) Remember what St. John says: "If our heart condemn us, God is stronger than our heart." The feeling of being, or not being, forgiven and loved is not what matters. One must come down to brass tacks. If there is a particular sin on your conscience, repent and confess it. If there isn't, tell the despondent devil not to be silly. You can't help hearing his voice (the odious inner radio), but you must treat it merely like a buzzing in your ears or any other irrational nuisance. (2.) Remember the story in the Imitation, how the Christ on the crucifix suddenly spoke to the monk who was so anxious about his salvation and said, "If you knew that all was well, what would you, today, do or stop doing?" When you have found the answer, do it or stop doing it. You see, one must always get back to the practical and definite. What the devil loves is that vague cloud of unspecified guilt feeling or unspecified virtue by which he lures us into despair or presumption. "Details, please?" is the answer. (3.) The sense of dereliction cannot be a bad symptom, for Our Lord Himself experienced it in its depth—"Why has thou forsaken me?"

C. S. Lewis in Letters to an American Lady

Quoted in The Quotable Lewis edited by Wayne Martindale and Jerry Root (Tyndale House), p 278

Content is derived from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation and other publications of Tyndale Publishing House

Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Rinna Rani

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Re: Devotion from God's Daily Promises
8/7/2007 1:10:00 PM
Dear Carla,
Hello friend.  Hope you are fine & having an amazing day.

Thank you for the wonderful words and truly its an eye opener.  I truly appreciate it.  Great job done!

Take care and have a great week!

Love, Rina

Carla Carey

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Re: Devotion from God's Daily Promises
8/7/2007 7:14:51 PM
Dear Rina,
Thanks so much for the compliment. I know alot of people are looking at the fourm. Hope they will get a blessing.
Have a great day!
Carla :)
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Las Ratnayake

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Re: Devotion from God's Daily Promises
8/7/2007 7:38:11 PM

Dear Carla,

Many thanks for your message.  It truly is a blessing and an eye opener.

I have just come across a very useful ebook "101 Ways Your Church Can Change The World" that will bless many people and many churches. 

Download here 101 Ways Your Church Can Change The World.

Please pass it to all your Christian contacts.



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Nick Sym

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Re: Devotion from God's Daily Promises
8/7/2007 11:35:37 PM
Time To Spread Some Love !

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