
Who is Judy Smith?

Judy Smith

Judy Smith
Member SinceFriday, August 19, 2005
Last ActivityTuesday, January 21, 2014
LocationDouglassville, Pennsylvania, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

I am a positive, healthy and active 64 year old Grammy of 5. I love God, family, friends, having fun and playing with my grandchildren. I love life.

I am living life to it's fullest, and after being a work-a-holic for so long it is a process. I am seeing now that I had a huge LEARNING CURVE in accepting that it is OK to kick back and just relax. The opportunities to move forward and improve my life and contribute to the improvement of the lives of others are astounding. Every day a new door opens. LIFE ROCKS!

I am confident, sometimes even courageous, and the excitement and enthusiasm is keeping me "bubbly". Every day I thank God for the blessings He has bestowed on my life. I believe that SUCCESS IS A CHOICE! I believe that if we expect the best, then that is exactly what we will get. Through the trials of my life God never gave me more than I could handle at any given time. I also believe that by giving of ourselves to others, we will receive 10 times that in return. I choose to have a great day everyday!

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Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (5/22/2016 10:22:09 PM) : Happiness is one's mind over matter. One's mind being the individual, living among the living ... Matter is infinite from the point of an individual ... beyond Earth into the cosmos ... by Jan aka Jaz (December 23, 2015)
Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (3/12/2016 6:01:58 PM) : Have a winning day :)
Diane Bjorling - (2/26/2014 1:44:48 PM) : it has been a very long time, but would like to wish you a very happy birthday Judy..hope you are well
Alain Deguire - (2/25/2012 4:37:32 PM) : Hello Judy! This is your day and I want it to be as Unique and Wonderful as You are. Have a magical and blessed birthday!
Maurice Williams - (1/6/2012 11:08:52 PM) : At onex, We are a family. Hear to help everyone become successful. We will teach you how to grow your business and make relationships you will cherish for the rest of your life. join me and my wonderful team at
Terry Konza - (12/4/2011 7:50:23 PM) : Hi Judy, Thanks a lot for dropping by my site. Indeed appreciated. Just a short note that I would say we all should keep honest friendship as well as should share a legit business opportunity for your wealth building. Take a look this site. You will be amazed and NEVER regret. ===> Go for your success !! Have a good day Terry
Sharon Currie - (7/21/2011 2:39:19 AM) : Hi Friends I just want to share some thing with you how you can get help with your medications and more. You can requesting your Free Prescription, Lab and Imaging (MRI )Savings Card. An active card is below that you can print out and use right away! Print as many as you want and give them to your friends, family and anyone you know that could use them! You can also forward this email t
James Mckenzie - (2/25/2011 2:28:25 AM) : Hello Judy, Just stopping by to wish you a Happy Birthday and many, many more. Enjoy your day with many Blessings. James
Bob And Shirley Rushing - (1/9/2011 1:18:54 AM) : Greetings my friend and Welcome! How are you? Just stopping by to say hello and thank you for your friendship... Bob and Shirley Stay In touch,
Iacovino Rosario - (12/6/2010 4:39:03 PM) : Prelancio mondiale nuovissimo NETWORK; prodotto: applicazione per PC che rivoluzionerà il web. piano di compensazione molto simile a mandura, sono iscritto 4 gg. fa e ho già circa 2000 iscritti nella mia linea mondiale:


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