
Wellness industry creating millionaires...
8/2/2007 10:20:51 PM
Hi Everyone,

Did you know that Paul Zane Pilzer, a world-renowned economist, multi-millionaire entrepreneur, college professor and author of seven best-selling books, has projected there to be 10 million new millionaires created between the years 2006-2016?


Did you also know that he projects an overwhelming number of them to be network marketers in the wellness industry?


You can read about Paul's projections



We are quickly establishing ourself as a major force in the wellness industry. There are 3 key points that you won't find in any other home based business:


1. We get customers for us using their Radio and TV infomercials - Real customers on real products - Our team has watched them, for over 5 years, produce 500 to 1000 new customers a day - yes that's not a typo - EVERY DAY. Partnering with them to acquire these new customers creates the long term, stable, residual income we are all after. No other business has been doing this successfully for so many years.


2. We direct mail the customers twice a month. That means customers get bonded to the company and continue to be exposed to the new products and monthly product specials. This keeps them ordering consistently and they stay with us for the long term, again creating that long term stable residual income.


3. Our products are not for re-sale. So you're never asked to order large amounts of products to fill your garage. You're never asked to take someone's credit card and you never have to process or ship anyone's order. All of the daily operations are handled by the company. There are no distributors and since the products are not for resale the product pricing and value are stable. Many companies with distributors have product prices heavily discounted and they are forced to buy products they can not resell. Plus with all the orders going through the company they are able to direct mail our customers each and every month.


As you can see we are completely unique - that's why we are growing at a tremendous pace.


I don't claim to be an expert. But Paul Zane Pilzer is. Why not follow an expert's advice and give yourself a chance to be one of the new millionaires?


Put yourself on the path that is creating millionaires. Let's get you started in the right direction. Send me an email today!


Only available to residents of USA and Canada.


Health and wealth for all,


Orazio Musumeci


Orazio Musumeci Aisle19 ID#508608
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Re: Wellness industry creating millionaires...
8/3/2007 8:54:36 AM
any business in the wellness industry I believe is a good choice. You not only build a lucrative business for yourself but you feel good that you are promoting a product that helps people. It's easy to believe in your product when it's health related. thatS how I got involved in my business, I tried the product and I found it to help me. I'm a tired mommy that has to have a nap in the afternoon and I always resented being like that! I no longer waste those 2 valuable hours in the afternoon! IF you have inflammation, pain, want to be healthy without taking side effect causing drugs, if you just want more energy like my case, I suggest you try it out. here's the business aspect if that's what appeals to you:
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