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Mary Zuefle

22 Posts
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7/28/2007 7:26:35 AM

I am interested in helping others help themselves. I would like to invite you all to join this unimaginable effort to stomp out malnutrition world wide forever. eXfuze 7+ is dedicated to offering the finest in nutrition products direct to you. These extracts from the worlds finest botanically rich superfoods our world has to offer, so far. I would like you to join today and share this fabulous nnutrition source to the worldwide coalition for global wellness. We suffer here in this country from many forms of malnourishment, but we have millions more resources than some countries, many have no resources, for their serious famine stricken communities. Let's all help the unfortunate children and adults achieve optimum heath and wellness.  197.00 for 4-32 ounce bottles keep one and ship three to these underdeveloped communities. 497.00 for 8-32 ounce, and a case of 12-10-ounce bottles to share with your friends and family. This product is hands down the most eXplosive nutrition you will ever find. 1 ounce a day to PRO ACTIVE WELLNESS. HOORAY!!!ATLAST A SOLUTION! HELP ME HELP OTHERS TODAY! Great success to all my friends and colleagues.

To your success,
Mary Ann
To your success, Mary Ann