You are receiving this as an owner of our website "Take the Internet Back". If you do not wish to receive our emails any more, then please email us and we will cancel your account. If you do so, then you will lose any and all future benefits, so please be certain prior to cancelling.
Yes..thats right! We have decided to reformat our payouts. What does that mean? It means that from now on we will pay out ONLY to those that have read their emails within a 2 week period after they receive it. Let's say that we send out 5000 emails. If only 1000 are read, the entire 45% of the funds will be split between ONLY those 1000 people. That means more money for our active partners and NO money for those that do not read emails.
Here is how it will work. We will send out an email and wait 2 weeks to see who has read it. Remember - your funds will not show for 2 weeks after you read an email. But after that, and ONLY for those of you that have read your emails, ALL of the 45% that goes to members will be split ONLY between those members who have read their emails. Our reading rate right now is about 25%, so that will mean 4 times more to our active email readers!!!!
We have done this to reward our active readers as they are working very hard to make us a success. So - you can now expect your "pennies" to increase substantially as long as you read your emails and click on the confirmation links.
This change will take approximately 2-3 weeks to come into effect as we are working on it now. We will let you know when it is done
Also, we have about 80 postings on . That's a good start but ONLY a start. This website has the potential to be huge people. Pass the url on to a friend, family member, acquaintance, anybody! We need to get at least 1000 or so posts to become a viable entity there. To sweeten the pot, we have decided to offer 10 FOUNDERS spots. These founders will each own a full 1% of the website as opposed to sharing it with 100,000 others. But there is a catch. You must get at least 100 people in your downline, and at least 50 must post. These will be verified so please do not even try to cheat the system.
And there is even more. Anyone who gets a downline of 500 or more, with 250 posting, will be a Super Founder and will get 2 1/2% of the website. That means profits and ownership both!!! Can you imagine owning 1% or even 2 1/2% of Ebay??? You would be very rich indeed.
If you plan on taking advantage of either of the above incentives, please email us and let us know. You can email and indicate which one you wish to pursue and we will watch your efforts.
Last - there are still many of you without your necessary 2 in your downline. Like we keep saying, how hard can it be to give someone $10 for free as well as tons of free downloads??? And now you even get more money for reading as well as a chance to own a huge share of this pie. Let's get cracking people - we are getting close but need more effort!! Have a great day!
TIB Administration