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Flag of Marilyn L Martin

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7/24/2007 6:26:01 PM
by Tony Alessandra

When I was in high school back in 1960's, everyone always divided themselves into self-contained, often exclusive, groups. These groups followed all the old clichés -- you had your greasers, your jocks, your nerds, your college prep kids, and your vocational kids -- and everyone was always careful to stay within their own group.

Although I was technically in the athletic group (or jocks) and the college prep group, I always tried to go out of my way to get along with everyone -- no matter what group they were associated with. I always got good grades, so I fit in with the smart kids. I was born and raised in
New York City, so I got along with the greasers. I tried to find my connection with everyone, which was not hard at all. After all, we were all high school kids -- we had plenty to bond over with the shared experience of going to the same school.

However, the reason that I was able to build on those commonalities -- the reason people from other groups were friendly back to me -- was that I treated everyone with respect. I never gossiped about the popular crowd, never teased or taunted the nerds. I made an effort to see everyone's positive aspects, and I focused on those. In essence, I treated others the way they wanted to be treated, and it gave me the ability to adapt and be liked by just about everybody.
I shared that story with all of you because I wanted to write about respect today. There are many different types of respect...there is of course, respect for God, respect for our parents, respect of  human life, respect of one's self, and respecting another human being.

All too often people have a lack of respect for one , and possibly more than one, of these different types of respect. Respect is not something you are born with, it is something that is taught to you mainly by your parents, or during your upbringing by another significant person in your life.

Respect is not always just a given thing either, sometimes it must be earned. There are times that someone doesn't deserve to be respected because of either the things that they do that you do not appove of, or because of the lack of respect they have towards you and/or your loved ones.

Let's look at the definition of respect:

Respect is an assumption of good faith and competence in another person or in the whole of oneself. Depth of integrity, trust, complementary moral values, and skill are necessary components.

Respect adds general reliability to social interactions. It enables people to work together in a complimentary fashion, instead of each person having to understand or even agree with every detail of another's method.

That's a great definition of respect, but I especially like when it says, "enables people to work togther in a complimentary fashion....or even agree with every detail of another's method."

This is saying something I always say..."It's okay if we agree to disagree" when you and someone else have a difference of opinions on an issue. That's having respect for each other's opinions, and that's a good thing to have.

Another very good form of respect is having respect for another person privacy. That means you don't go snooping around in someone's stuff for whatever reason you may have. That is really rude, and in some instances against the law.

I personally was raised to have the most utmost respect for people and things. I have alot of respect for my elders, even at the age I am now I would never dream of disrespecting my elders. I don't always agree with somethings they say or do, but I still do not say a word to them. Nowadays that type of respect is not seen too much in our young people, and that is a shame.

Anyway, I have carried this philosophy throughout my whole life: I am as polite to a janitor as a CEO. As people, they both exist on the same level -- and both deserve the same amount of outward respect.

My mantra: "What goes around, comes around."

What do you have "coming around" for yourself?

Think about that.

Take care and God Bless You All,

Love Marilyn

Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
"Rick & Marilyn Martin...Married 11/17/06"
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7/24/2007 10:03:46 PM

Dear Marilyn!

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Flag of Helen Prowd

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7/24/2007 11:43:12 PM
Hi Marilyn,
Thank you for this . This is what or partly what I am on about. When I was growing we still wore gloves on our hands wore hats and WERE LADIES yes I grew up in the 50's but we were taught how to behave out in the public, and if we disbehave somehow our parents knew about it. These days is so different kids carrying all sorts of weapons to so they say to protect themselves what for and why.
Were not they ever taught at home and in school how to behave towards one another or were they allowed to get away with everything.The kids of today need to learn a lesson or two about being respectful towards themselves and towards others. And to do that it MUST AT HOME not at school not anywhere else. A lot of them more than likely come from broken homes but still the parents of these children must have respect for one another instead of the eternal bickering taking sides etc., what sort of information are they giving their children that it is ok to be nasty that it is ok to beat one another up. Now come on people please wake up b efore it is too late, You have already have had major upheavals in your colleges. etc., sdo Please I am asking you to stop right now and think. Helen
H. Prowd
Flag of Dale Ostrum

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7/25/2007 10:43:10 AM
Although I agree with everything you said you aren't old enough to have been in high school in the 60's. I graduated in 64 and there's no way your anywhere near that old. Respect is a must in all of life's endeavors. It was a great article in any event.
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