Well Social Networking is suppose to be where you share your ideas and thoughts and Passions with others. It is a way to develope Personal Relationships first with others. Its is getting to know ones likes and dislikes its about shareing and careing.Its about Helping others so every one learns together.
It is not about Slamming each other with your Business its about getting to know about each other.
People think Networking is about Slamming your business in areas they should not be slamed.
If you want to share your business then do it in the Forums, the Bulletins and your Blogs.
Do not put it in the comments box on your friends page.
Speaking of friends, well lets see people invite eachother because they should want to get to know the person and what they are into. Do not just except them and then know nothing about them,take the time to read alittle about the page of the person you are on.
You would be surprised that you may just have similar things in common with that person.
Be respectful when promoting your business, do it in the appropriate places.
We are all here to meet like minded people so lets not abuse the community or our friends. If you need any thing or help in any area just call me I would be glad to share my thoughts and ideas with you.
Kathy Hamilton/simikathy.com
My Email
253 277 1238