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uninvited ad
7/22/2007 8:22:45 AM

I somehow got this advertisement on my computer screen telling me I have spyware on my computer....duh.

I have tried everything I know to get rid of the pesky thing, even system restore, it's down in the corner with a ? mark, then a little red x. Everyonce in awhile it just 'pops up', telling me about the stupid spyware. (system alert !)

HOW do I get rid of the damn thing ?

As you can tell, I'm not a computer whiz, if I was I would already have gotten rid of it.




Re: uninvited ad
7/22/2007 10:00:17 AM

Check ad and remove for any unwanted programs ( it may be part of a self installed program more than likely) That would be the first step. what is the advertisment pointing to  Some of these self installers have removers on there website. Second run an msconfig, go start run msconfig .... go to the startup tab and uncheck anything unusual ( check with google if you  dont know. ) Clean your temps

  have you ran a good anti virus and spy ware remover?

 Try   after all that is done and if its still coming up  send me a msg and we will go from there

Re: uninvited ad
7/22/2007 4:39:46 PM

Hey, and thanks for such a quick reply.

I'll try your suggestions and let you know the results.

It's really annoying the way these things get by 'uninvited'.

Thanks again !


Re: uninvited ad
7/23/2007 1:33:17 AM
if still haveing issues download hjt run a scan and copy paste the log and we will go from there
Robert Stockwell

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Re: uninvited ad
8/19/2007 7:39:39 PM

check your

msconfig file

I wrote a special document called

" The 10 Commandments of Computering"

Downloadable at

