Ok I was very bored this afternoon. I decided to write a page where you can get all three of my systems for generating traffic. In my opnion, well worth a look.
http://traffic-to-you.moneysource.org I hope it brings you as many visitors as it has me.
Sorry anyone that looked at this thread.
My serve went down for awhile.
Try again today.
Hi ....
I just clicked you link to see what it's all about and to see if your' servers running... and wasn't able (yet) to get to your page...
I'll try later...
Thank you for your patience. I cant figure out why yet smile. I have the site hosted at my hosting company, all other sites are working, even the http://www.moneysource.org is working (ok I havent had time to write its home page but it is working) but not that page sigh.
I will start a new thread here when it is, to save everyone keep checking.