
Bruce Macomber

216 Posts
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Networking Does work - who woulda' thunk it?
7/17/2007 2:10:32 PM
Man, there are soooo many MLM, erm, I mean, Network Marketing programs out there!

Have you given up finding one that works? I had!

By way of introduction, let me just say that I am the sort of person that has never liked the whole MLM thing. I mean, please...who, other than the first few people involved ever make a dime off that stuff?

I even wrote an article containing my disdain about MLM some time back at

Still, I poked around here and there, half-heartedly looking for something that I could do from home and bring in some extra cash, apart from the few "set and forget" affiliate links I had peppered my sites with.

I came across an old link on a forum, and I'm not even sure why I clicked on it, as it wasn't more than a line of text saying something about a FREE program. I think I was just curious about what/where the catch would be.

Golly Sox, Buffalo Bob! I couldn't find one. I delved pretty deep into the info provided and did some online research looking for bad press (the positive FAR outweighed the minor and inevitable grumbles), and then I took the plunge and signed on.

There are a ton of ways to market this puppy and the approach I chose was to utilize my own domain to create a venue to tackle the task of both selling the products, some 600+ to date, and promote the business opportunity.

Having said that, let me tell you now where to go to learn more about a FREE MLM (uggh - still sticks in my craw)Network Marketing Program that actually works.

Don't take my word for it, folks, I'm just another stranger sending you to a 'tried and true' program.

But, like I did, you too will find that FREE means Free and there is no outlay required of anything other than effort to succeed.

Let me emphasize...EFFORT IS REQUIRED! This is NOT a "set it and forget it" program.

If you don't want to set aside some time each week (daily is best} to build a business that you can call your own, than do not visit

Otherwise, don't be a stranger, eh?

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