Click on our logo to watch an inspirational video! |
The 3-Day Dancers welcome you to tour our new pink ribbon online store and thank you for your support!
We have items for men, women, children, your home, office, even pets! Net proceeds from store sales benefit Susan G Komen For The Cure & the National Philanthropic Breast Cancer Trust. For more information about our team, our products, the Breast Cancer 3Day Walk, or any other inquiry please e-mail our team captain at: |
For the 3-Day Dancer's team, participating in the Breast Cancer 3-Day and other Breast Cancer Support Events is not a light commitment. The team members spend many hours training and fundraising away from their families, all while working full time jobs. We believe that each person who inhabits this earth has a personal responsibility to selflessly do what they can for the betterment of mankind.
What kind of world do you want? We dream of a world where the diagnosis of breast cancer is met with a cure, and we devote our time towards finding the cure, step by step, dollar by dollar. All net proceeds from sales of merchandise in our store benefit the Susan G Komen For The Cure Foundation and the National Philanthropic Breast Cancer Trust.
You are invited to WALK with us, CREW with us, PURCHASE our products, or help with an individual DONATION - it all brings us closer to the cure. You are also invited to support the members of our team individually by clicking on their name below to reach their donation webpage:
JeanMarie Borden-Aycock Nancy Duso Toni Arnold
Amber Estep Jillian Sommer Smithy
The 3-Day is about changing lives - and we will continue to do whatever we can to ensure that one day, breast cancer is only something found in history books. Our goal, our dream is that no child will ever lose their mother, a husband will never have to utter that final goodbye, and no woman will ever lose her battle against this disease! More names were added to our walking placard this week. If you have a loved one whose name you'd like added to the list, just e-mail me at .
The list currently reads:
Walking Placard
We walk in support of survivors Jenifer Lee Diener, Jackie Rubel, Martha Landers, Michaele Sidell, Teri MacLeod, Karen Estep, Alice Sloat, Maureen Foley-Schabel, Barbara Foley, Shirley Scidone, Alice Anderson and Sandra Woolard and in memory of Carmella DelCorso, Priscilla Kosen, Tulia Davila, Mary Carson, Neena Lou Summers, Priscilla Tighe, Susie Greene, Jean Marie Lockhart, Barbara Scidone, Margaret Lavalle, Debbie Ramsteck, Fern Lefebre, Sue Brey, Ruth Binnie, Lisa Harrison and Suzie MacKenzie |
All donations are tax deductible and a copy of our 501c3 is available should you require a copy.
Please accept the deepest thanks from myself & the members of our walk/crew team, & for all of those awaiting a cure, for your generosity and your support. Our walking & crewing is the easy part. Having to deal with this disease is what takes the strength & courage. I can promise each of you that we will continue to walk until this disease is eradicated.
Have hope, use strength, be courageous & keep the faith - the cure will be found because
Have a truly awesome day,
Team Captain, The 3-Day Dancers