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What attracted me to The Berry Tree was the product and the guaranteed pay plan. I know that because of the acidic foods that we eat, it is important to use a product that will raise your body's PH level and take it from an acidic to a more alkaline environment. When you have a simple to use, effective product that people will benefit from, coupled with a patented, never before seen compensation plan that will guarantee your success, great things will happen. See my website for more information The Berry Tree compensation plan was designed to build from the bottom up and allow everyone to earn on every member of The Berry Tree, without ever having to personally sponsor anyone into the business. The company uses a mutli-million dollar advertising campaign to place people in your business for you. You can literally sit back, do nothing and over time, get paid for consuming the O2 Berry product. Here is a closer look at the payplan We have a team in place that will help you build your business, so that you can reach the leadership bonuses a lot faster. We work as a team and are committed to helping those who desire to help themselves. Write down any questions that you may have and feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Here to Help Charles Wilson Home Office +61 755475852 Cell 610410495388