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Bj Burgess

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God's Hands Picture taken in Kentucky
7/8/2007 8:40:41 PM

Cara Winship sent this out it is called: God's hands.

She took this picture on Hwy 30, traveling to London , KY.  She says,"It has given me strength in the times of trouble".  She felt she should share it with the rest of the world. I hope it is an inspiration to you.  It just goes to show what
we already know....  We have a God and he's watching over us.


She e-mailed this picture to News Chanel 36.  She was contacted by 
Meteorologist John James. He said that this picture of the sky is 
showing up, in all states, around the world.  He wanted to know where
she was from and where she took it.  He saw a similar picture taken in Texas.
He said this is amazing to him!

The Man who walks with God always gets to his destination.

If You have a pulse you have a purpose

Hope you enjoy this as much as I did.


Monica S

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Re: God's Hands Picture taken in Kentucky
7/8/2007 8:49:18 PM

Very Beautiful :)

Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: God's Hands Picture taken in Kentucky
7/8/2007 8:55:06 PM
Hello Rose,

Thank you for sharing this photo.  I had seen this
and until I read the rest of your information, had
no idea that there were more cloud formations showing
up around the States. - So the photo I was sent
may or maynot be the same photo!

This is such a blessing and encouragement to me.


Amanda Martin-Shaver

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Re: God's Hands Picture taken in Kentucky
7/8/2007 8:56:22 PM
Oops BJ,  I am sorry I called you Rose.  I was just
reading a message from Rose.  My bad..

Bj Burgess

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Re: God's Hands Picture taken in Kentucky
7/8/2007 8:57:40 PM

Hey Monica & Amanda

Glad you stopped by to see this wonderful pic.  It was sent to me, and I felt I had to share this with my friends.

Glad you enjoyed it.



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