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Cecil Edward

41 Posts
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All about Cellfood
7/5/2007 7:31:07 PM
EVERETT LAFAYETTE STOREY (Sept. 6th 1914 - Aug. 3rd 1988) There had to be a bit of genius that went into the development of CELLFOOD. In fact, that genius is Dr. Everett L. Storey himself. Although he is most remembered for his invention of the hydrogen bomb, Dr. Storey’s most significant achievements were designed to restore the environment and heal the body. In 1946, in a quiet back room at the Waldorf Astoria, microbiologist Everett Storey asked Albert Einstein a question that had bewildered Storey all his life: "Why are we here on Earth?" Einstein who later called Storey a genius for his contributions to science responded, “We are here to learn and to grow. Life is essentially a school. We learn what to do... and just as importantly, we learn what not to do." Everett Storey was, at the time, engaged in his own exhausting process of exploring the fundamental laws of matter, of nature itself. He was creating a new frontier in 'water-splitting technology a process which could cause oxygen and hydrogen to 'split' from one another and, in so doing, is released from a water molecule. In the darkness of the 1940's, the War Production Board asked Storey to turn over his drawings and technology to them. The technology became a critical component in the race to create a hydrogen bomb. A humanitarian and lover of life, Storey vowed after the war to never again has anything to do with destruction of any kind. He made it a Statement of Policy in his laboratories. His words were simple: "There are too many human needs to be filled for us to waste our time and energies on negative pursuits." But after the war, Storey and many of his colleagues discovered a more personal crisis: they were dying of radiation poisoning, a result of their exposure while witnessing bomb tests. It was then that Storey developed the conceptual blueprint for CELLFOOD. He theorized that the same water-splitting technology that produced a bomb could be made to heal a human life. By utilizing hydrogen's non-radioactive isotope, deuterium, and a full blend of required trace minerals, enzymes and amino acids, he would create a solution, an 'electromagnetic equation' that could release vital oxygen and hydrogen into his blood, continues on reverse stream, remove toxic radiation, rebuild his systems, and return him to health. Storey stated: "It is time for the general acceptance of the concept that even in some terminal cases, our bodies can, given essential building blocks, repair and reconstitute every living cell within a span of 11 months." It worked and the world was presented with CELLFOOD. Benefiting from its healing effects, Everett Storey lived into his late 70's. Dr. Storey's unique method of extracting and balancing Nutrients and Minerals in a sort of "Electromagnetic Equation" will take contemporary scientists years to understand. Combining this equation with Dr. Storey's discovery of how to release oxygen and hydrogen from the tight polar bonding has resulted in our revolutionary CELLFOOD products for treating the body, the skin and the environment. In 1985, the United States Congress passed the DEUTERIUM FREEDOM ACT OF 1985, in which Storey was recognized for his amazing work and the development of CELLFOOD. Line 25 of the ACT states: "because of Deuterium's facility to speed up the digestive process, it will aid in patients getting 'more mileage' out of the food they consume; and at the same time, reduce the toxicity in the blood stream. Deutrosulfazyme is a systemic normalizer. No wonder it is called Liquid Life as well as CELLFOOD. In 1995, CELLFOOD was classified as a nutritional supplement and not as a drug or patented medicine. Now today, with the help of Deutrel Industries, Oxygen4life is bringing CELLFOOD to the thousands of people in need of a little healing and better health. For over 40 years, CELLFOOD has safely provided amazing results to millions of people around the world especially those who have been suffering from degenerative disease such as Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Stroke, Kidney Failure, Asthma, Catarrh and Cystic Acne, Infections, Arthritis and other diseases. Friends, it’s with great pleasure that I take opportunity to invite you for a talk on the benefits of this great invention and learn how CELLFOOD can help you or your loved ones who are suffering in pain from degenerative diseases. It’s more painful to watch someone in pain than the pain itself. For further details kindly contact me via e-mail or SMS me at +60162321946 and I will call you back and meet up with you. Thank you and regards. M. A. Cecil (ID: MYS00427157)
Re: All about Cellfood
7/5/2007 8:33:42 PM

Hey Cecil,

A good bunch of information.  We need more stuff like this on the Internet.  It is sad to see people waste their time on petty stuff.

Take care & Keep in touch,

Nimisha Jariwala

Re: All about Cellfood
7/5/2007 10:48:04 PM
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Paula Drake

57 Posts
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Re: All about Cellfood
7/6/2007 11:54:58 AM
That's great but there is another cell food out there and that is organicly grown fruits and vegetables. If youeat them raw your body will heal itself. It's a great concept though. there are a lot of people out there that would never concider eating everyting raw.
Paula Drake Kissimmee, Florida 407-574-3906 Skype:paula.drake P.S.If you ever need some help creating leads for you business, just drop me an email.
Cecil Edward

41 Posts
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Re: All about Cellfood
7/7/2007 7:14:11 AM

Hi Nimisha,

Thank you for your kind comment, I do have plenty to share with folks here to have optimum health from natural things like coconut oil, chocolate / cocoa and many more!

Have a good day and please post your thoughts here regarding optimum health.


