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BFA Results: June, 2007
7/5/2007 11:42:58 AM

Hey everyone!

The BFA results are now here!  Sorry it took so long to get them up.  Between the long weekend and my computer hard drive crashing, I had a lot to do.  Big thanks to all the judges who helped me get the results back together by resending.  I really appreciate that. 

Without further ado, here are the winners of the BFA for June:

Arts & Exhibitions, by Rose Enerud >>$200.00!<<

Category Score* Judge 1 Comments Judge 2 Comments Judge 3 Comments
Visual 14.50 This forum WOW'd me!  I loved the paintings and artwork that Rose featured.  This would have easily been a five had the images been justified center or left on the page for easy viewing.  This is a Category that this Forum definitely excels at. Exceptional and tasteful presentation.
Originality 14.00 This arts forum seems to be the most high profile of few art forums on Adlandpro.  I know this was the 1st (and possibly only?) Forum of its kind! Well done. Extremely original. One of a kind.
Organized 13.50 Rose is consistent in her delivery of this forum on a regular basis.  Besides the staggered image positions, this forum is one of the most well-run I've seen. All Threads within this Forum follow a very consistent type of readability, and the consistency is superb.  Exceptionally well organized and stays completely in alignment with the subject matter.
Owner Int. 9.50 While Rose isn't always around on the main exhibitions discussion, she doesn't miss a chance to interact with new people to her forum.  2 Examples. The interaction has improved however there could still be some room to encourage even more discussion about the Exhibit. Owner, owner's team and exhibitor participation and interaction with guests leaves a bit to be desired.
Prof. 12.50 Rose is very polite and professional. Everything stays on topic, relevant and courteous. Excellent. Excellent
Totals** 21.33      

Making a Difference, by Terry Gorley

Category Score* Judge 1 Comments Judge 2 Comments Judge 3 Comments
Visual 11.00 From looking at the forum, some of the topics are a touch scattered but overall, visually the forum is pretty basic.  Another example where some clever graphics might have pushed this mark a bit higher. Graphics and colours are used in good taste, but I believe this aspect could be expanded a bit. Outstanding. Terry uses graphics very subtly to enhance the meaning of her mesages.
Originality 10.50 Fairly average originality mark here.  I saw little to set it apart topic-wise from many other forums on Adlandpro. There is more then one Forum of this nature, but not too many. Although Terri's subject is not completely original, her commitment to INTERACTION and making people feel IMPORTANT, is EXCELLENT! She deserves an A+ in originality for a "warm fuzzy" award.
Organized 11.50 This forum seems to waver back and forth between good help articles/pieces to less relevant topics here and there.  The Threads bounce back and forth between humanitarian and entrepreneurial. Exceptional!
Owner Int. 14.00 Like a well-cared-for garden, Terry nurtures this forum like it was her own offspring.  Nearly every post replied to and fairly quickly might I add.  For such a new Forum, the interaction level is excellent! Terry is a master at INTERACTION and making people feel good about themselves. She reaches the level where her forum members are AT (not where she expects them to be)......that is a gift!
Prof. 14.50 I actually skipped all the other criteria to judge this one first after having read through Terry's forum.  In virtually every case, Terry was polite, professional, and ever-present.  Not to mention one example she cited with a member who clearly posted an ad.  Aside from this being a slight rant that was still amusing anyway, she handled that situation in a very professional manner.  Kudos. The Owner of this Forum is a great hostess to her posters. Good job Exceptional in guiding discussion!
Totals** 20.50      

Scripture, Doctrine, and the Mysteries of God, by John Sanchez

Category Score* Judge 1 Comments Judge 2 Comments Judge 3 Comments
Visual 11.00 A fairly basic layout.  My first impressions of the Thread list was Ads, Ads, Ads.  More "help" like Thread Topics would give this forum a higher score here. There is a rich usage of imagery when necessary, and the colours are also very pleasant to the eye. A few graphic images would enhance the magnificance of the subject matter. There is an over use of RED, which portrays "yelling."
Originality 9.50 Nothing particularly unique in this forum.  Ads and some help articles.  There are many Forums regarding the topic of the celebration of Christianity. This is a very needed subject matter, but it is not original.
Organized 11.00 I had a tough time with this forum locating items of interest.  Everything from Happy Father's day to humor to what a friend is.  A little focus towards a specific topic could be in order here. Everything stays relevant and fluid to the Forum topic. All owner threads are well organized, but since there are multiple threads written by others, it is a little hard to rate.
Owner Int. 12.50 John is always in and about this forum engaging visitors. The interaction between Forum owner and poster has heightened, and I do see a stronger sense of encouraging conversation then prior. Job well done! The owner is very involved in his responses.
Prof. 11.50 Always polite, professional, and diplomatic. I like the fact that if someone (that does not necessarily agree with this sometimes controversial topic) comes in and says their piece, that no one jumps on them. Very nice to see, and encourages all people to join. There seems to be little room for interaction and guiding friendly discussions.
Totals** 18.50      

Pauline Raina's Forums, by Pauline Raina >>Voted Most Popular<<

Category Score* Judge 1 Comments Judge 2 Comments Judge 3 Comments
Visual 11.50 Pauline has a knack for using nice little graphics and color on her posts.  It's refreshing while not being entirely overwhelming.  There is not enough visual impact for me to provide higher marks in this Category. Tasteful use of graphics, but not overdone
Originality 7.50 While the content itself is very good, I had a tough time figuring out what exactly this forum is all about so I can't assign high marks here for originality.  There are many Forums across Adlandpro with this type of content and title. Unique with a genuine welcome feeling
Organized 10.00 The topics in this forum tend to flip around quite a bit in terms of subject and I found it a bit of a turn off.  Poetry topics seem to be woven into the forum but not sure how these fit into the big picture of the entire discussion.  The Forum’s title is not telling of what to expect for someone who has never been there prior (a first and last name), and the threads do not have much fluidity in sequence. Each thread started by the owner is a combination of good will and/or inspirational.
Owner Int. 12.00 It's very clear that Pauline LOVES to post in her forums.  Her effervescent personality shines through whenever she engages a visitor.  No evident consistency in terms of replies; doesn’t encourage continual conversation(s) too often. Excellent owner involvement and interaction, always making people feel welcome.
Prof. 12.00 Pauline is very friendly on the forums and courteous.  Owner keeps things relevant and polite; always courteous! Very good job. The owner and content of the forum are very professional. The owner has the ability to communicate with all walks of life and make each and every person feel important. This is a GIFT!
Totals** 17.67      

Business & Advertising, by BJ Burgess

Category Score* Judge 1 Comments Judge 2 Comments Judge 3 Comments
Visual 9.00 This forum on the whole is a bit plain.  Could use some well-placed, sensible graphics to spice it up a bit. As interactive as this Forum is, there is not much to appease to the eye in terms of graphics and colour. Appears to only be focused mainly on text. A few graphic images would be a welcome addition to each new thread page.
Originality 8.00 Because the name and topic of the forum is a bit general, it's tough to determine what to compare it against.  In the general sense, this type of forum is fairly common on the Community. There are many Forums with this type of intention, to assist in promoting other Member’s ventures. There is much competition in the "share business opportunity" area.
Organized 9.00 This forum seems to slalom in and out of different types of topics ranging from a single article on the first page to many different people posting different businesses.  Lacking direction. There is definite consistency in the Threads and content within them. I like that. Multi- faceted from multiple thread owners. It is hard to track
Owner Int. 12.00 BJ gets right in your face with her threads.  This is terrific! The owner of this Forum is ALL over the Threads! I love to see conversation like this. BJ has a wonderful way of making people feel welcome and important! I would always go there just to feel the warmth of her greetings and follow ups!
Prof. 12.00 BJ is fairly consistent thanking people for their posts but I don't see examples of her actively encouraging discussion by asking questions or some other means. Topics and the conversations stay very relevant and professional The owner is extremely professional and cares about people!
Totals** 16.67      

Congratulations to all the top 5 and make sure you nominate the your forums again next month.  All 5 were strong contenders for the BFA and have a really good chance for next month's win.  The link to the new BFA nomination thread will be up in a few minutes. 


Michael Dela Cruz

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Re: BFA Results: June, 2007
7/5/2007 11:52:21 AM
MICHAEL, You are to be commended for making this an award worth earning. The judges have added a professional touch which makes this award prove itself. Congradulations on a job well done. Professionalism shows through in this forum. BRAVO
Flag of Joelees Wholesale

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Re: BFA Results: June, 2007
7/5/2007 11:57:22 AM

Hi Michael,

Thank you for another great BFA week  very well done by the Judges  Have a great weekend. Gods speed   :-) Lee

Flag of Pauline Raina

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Re: BFA Results: June, 2007
7/5/2007 11:58:30 AM
Hi Mike,

Great job done !!


CONGRATS to Terry, John & Bj, you are all winners !!

hey Mike  why is Roberts name mentioned in Johns analysis chart ??? twice I think !

Best wishes

Pauline R
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Re: BFA Results: June, 2007
7/5/2007 12:25:07 PM
Hi Michael,

Terry, John, Pualine and BJ Congratulations.


