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Dave Cottrell

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The Pirate and the Bartender
7/1/2007 4:17:26 AM

Hi everyone!  It's Sunday, so I hope you're all reading this after Sunday Services!


One day a Pirate and a bartender were talking to each other in a bar. The Bartender asked the pirate, "Where did ya get that peg leg from?"

The Pirate responded, " We were sailing the seas when a big ol' shark came up to me while I was swimmin' and bit off me leg."

Later the Bartender asked, "Where did you get that hook then?"

The pirate responded "Well, me crew and I were in a battle and it got cut through the bone."

The bartender then asked, " Then where did ya get the eye patch from?"

The pirate said, " In a harbor I looked at a gull flying over head and it took a dump right in me eye."

The bartender was puzzled and asked the pirate, "How would that make you get an eye patch?"

The pirate responded, "First day with the hook."


Have a wonderful Sunday!

God bless,

Jason Lamure

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Re: The Pirate and the Bartender
7/1/2007 9:57:40 AM

That's a classic Dave,

Thanks for the laugh!

There once was an old pirate captain, and this captain had a son who had no ears. One day the pirate captain picked up some new crew members. As the new recruits got on board the captain told them about his son, and that he was very sensitive about the fact that he had no ears. He said that if they offended his son by saying any thing about his ears they would have to walk the plank! The new pirates were naturally nervous about meeting this boy.

Well, after a while some of the pirates met the boy. The first pirate tried not to look at him, but he couldn't handle it and kept staring. The boy yelled "What are you looking at!?" Hurried to think of an excuse, the pirate said "I was just admiring your hand! Take care of your hand, or you will have to wear a hook like me." "Thank you for the advice", said the boy.

Soon a second pirate encoutered the boy. When he stared at the boy the boy said "What are you looking at!?" "I was just admiring your leg," said the pirate. "You take care of your leg, or you will have to wear a wooden leg like me!" "Thank you for the advice," said the boy.

Later a third pirate encountered the boy and stared. When the boy said "What are you looking at!?" the pirate said "I was just admiring your eyes. You take care of your eyes or you will have to wear glasses like me... and you can't wear glasses, because you don't have any ears to hold them up!"    

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Mary Hannan

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Re: The Pirate and the Bartender
7/1/2007 10:13:02 AM
Hello Dave,
I appreciate this one.
Have a great day!
Bless you,
Donna Zuehl

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Re: The Pirate and the Bartender
7/2/2007 12:53:16 AM
Cute one Dave. I haven't heard it before. DonnaZ

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