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Monica S

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Your 100% Mississippian If....
6/28/2007 5:52:47 PM

Your 100% Mississippian If....

1.You can properly pronounce Kosciusko, Ackerman,
and Belzoni
2. You think people who complain about the
heat in their states are sissies.
3. A tornado warning siren is your signal to
go out in the yard and look for a funnel.
4. You know that the true value of a parking
space is not determined by the distance to the
door, but by the availability of shade.
5. Stores don't have bags or shopping carts,
they have sacks and buggies.
6. You've seen people wear bib overalls at
7. You think everyone from a bigger city has
an accent.
8. You measure distance in minutes. (It's
about 5 minutes down the road)
9. You go to the lake because you think it is
like going to the ocean.
10. You listen to the weather forecast before
picking out an outfit.
11. You know cowpies are not made of beef.
12. Someone you know has used a football
schedule to plan their wedding date.
13. You have known someone who has a belt
buckle bigger than your fist.
14. You aren't surprised to find movie rental,
ammunition, beer, and bait all in the same store.

15. A Mercedes Benz isn't a status symbol. A
Chevy Silverado Extended Bed Crew Cab is.
16. You know everything goes better with Ranch
17. You learned how to shoot a gun before you
learned how to multiply.
18. You actually get these jokes and are
'fixin' ' to send them to your friends.
19. You have used your heater and
air-conditioner in the same day!
Finally: You are 100% Mississippian if you have
ever had this conversation:
20. 'You wanna coke?' 'Yeah.' 'What kind?' 'Dr

I received this in my email today and thought it was hilarious!  Most of you probably already know that I am from Mississippi.
These are the ones that are especially true for me.. lol
3. A tornado warning siren is your signal to
go out in the yard and look for a funnel.  Yes.. lol
(that's only a Mississippi thing?? lol)

8. You measure distance in minutes. (It's
about 5 minutes down the road)  Yes.. lol

10. You listen to the weather forecast before
picking out an outfit.  Definitely

 19. You have used your heater and
air-conditioner in the same day!  Most Definitely!

Bj Burgess

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Re: Your 100% Mississippian If....
6/28/2007 8:06:54 PM

Hey Monica

I like this.  Number 4 is me....I look for the shade, then the distance.

But, most all of these sure sound like Mississippi folks.



Judy Smith

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Re: Your 100% Mississippian If....
6/28/2007 8:15:08 PM

Howdy, Monica

Well, all of that just made me absolutely certain that I am not Mississippean (lol).  Not even close!!  It was fun, though!



Re: Your 100% Mississippian If....
6/28/2007 9:49:48 PM

Oh my :) I think I am a Mississippian who lives in Wisconsin. And guess what...I have also painted my pick-up truck with a paint brush (years ago though none the less relevant).

This is tooooooo.....funny!


Kathy Kanouse

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Re: Your 100% Mississippian If....
6/28/2007 10:39:17 PM
I know I am not from Mississippi. But Michigan hassome of these same things LOL
Kathy K

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