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Why do we need to supplement today? How importa...
Why do we need to supplement today? How important is it? How about an opportunity to work from home helping others to get healthy too? Are you ready?
6/19/2007 11:53:16 AM
Why do we need to supplement today? How important is it? How about an opportunity to work from home helping others to get healthy too? Are you ready?
Many people have no idea of these published facts that were discovered when Linus Pauling (twice Nobel prize winner) did this study in the USA.
1] 99%+ of ALL Americans are mineral deficient!
2] Almost every health issue today is tied to this mineral deficiency!
3] Due to lack of nutrients in ALL of our foods today, even organically grown food, our immune systems are on overload.
4] Stress is so much more prevalent today than ever! This added to the above also weakens our immune system even more.
5] Most all of the foods we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink are filled with chemicals! With all these chemicals in our body, our cells can't regenerate at a rate fast enough to fight this contamination off!
6] The elderly are the most susceptible to this buildup due to time! They are usually on several drugs to simply suppress symptoms of these problems. The side effects tell us this is not natural for our bodies!
7] Drugs-We are by far in the USA the most behind all the other countries in natural health and prevention. As we ALL know, drugs simply treat symptoms and not the cause of the problem!
What is the answer to this ongoing problem?
People need to take charge of their own health and everyone needs to supplement in order to help our bodies heal themselves. If not, it is like gambling. You may win early on, but in the end, you will lose the battle! In order to put this in perspective, think of it like this! If you drove your car and let the oil drip out until it had no oil left, what would happen to it? Obviously, the engine would seize up and you car would die! The real difference here is that we can fix a car with a NEW engine, but it doesn't work that way in humans!
-Obviously this does not work to fix the problem either! Since drugs do not treat the cause of the problem, but just mask it, we must look to other means! The worst is this: You go to the doctor who prescribes a drug as a Band-Aid to mask your problem. Then you get bad side effects from it and the doctor prescribes more drugs to suppress the problem that the first drug created! This goes on and on and on with NO end in site! The perfect example is seniors who have medicine cabinets full of different drugs and empty pockets! The big question is, has the problem been solved? NO! If only doctors could be held accountable for this by turning the tables in the right direction which should be: Putting people on a supplement regimen to prevent major health issues and allowing the body to do what it was designed to do...heal itself with proper nutrition.
Foods Today
-Obviously, if we were getting the nutrients in our foods, even organically grown foods, the fact above would be much less! 99%+ of ALL Americans are mineral deficient! Why is this so? We have known since the 1940's that soil nutrient depletion was evident!
In 1992, Earth Summit Stats
found that the soils were 85% depleted of nutrients! If you think of it logically, you can ONLY draw out so many nutrients until they are no longer there! Farmers only need 3 CHEMICALS to grow crops and these are NOT beneficial to our bodies. So that beautiful ear of corn that tastes great has so little nutrients in it, we would have to eat about 50 ears to get the same nutrients in it from 40 years ago.
-We MUST supplement our diets or face the consequences of an onslaught of many major illnesses that will not only hinder our lifestyle, but cost you a lot of money to try and overcome them. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you have and thanks for taking the time to educate yourself on the reality of today! Even is you don't market this, do you want to feel better everyday and possibly prevent major health issues later?
Here is the solution:
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My Best Health To Everyone!!!
Tom Sparrow-
Eniva Regional Manager
248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
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