
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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YOU Can Earn $996.00 from Each Postcard You Mail!
6/18/2007 12:34:27 PM

In just 15 minutes daily, you can earn a great income, no selling!  You can earn money even if no one orders anything!  Plus you can eventually receive free lifetime supplies of postcards and mailing lists!  There are several ways you can earn from this postcard:  When replies come in, we send out a full-page order form so customers can order services that can bring you commissions of up to $450 from one service, or as much as $996 if they order everything that's offered! (Available in USA only) See the details here, if you'd like to print it out to request more info, set the pdf size to 100% before printing:


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Re: YOU Can Earn $996.00 from Each Postcard You Mail!
6/18/2007 12:38:50 PM
What's the $2.00 charge for?
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: YOU Can Earn $996.00 from Each Postcard You Mail!
6/18/2007 12:54:48 PM

Hi Kathy,

The $2 is for more information, it covers the cost of printing and postage to send you full details and the application form.  Thanks for your interest!


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Hilde Makkinje

41 Posts
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Re: YOU Can Earn $996.00 from Each Postcard You Mail!
6/18/2007 1:00:26 PM

Hi Kathy,

Why is it only availeble in the US? Any idea? I live in Europe.. why can't we do something likely?

Best Regards,


'Thoughts are meant to become Alive, Shared with Others & Cherished by Millions
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Jack Sunshine

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Re: YOU Can Earn $996.00 from Each Postcard You Mail!
6/18/2007 1:00:33 PM

Xocai- You'll Love Our Healthy Chocolate And It's Benefits


Do you like rich dark Belgian chocolate?

If the answer is yes…it’s understandable since 9 out of 10 people crave it and 50% of the population can not live without it. Hence, you have a multi-billion dollar industry.

The food with the highest antioxidant value on the planet is the cocoa bean. It is one of the most complex foods substances on earth containing over 300 chemically identifiable compounds. These beans are packed with potent antioxidants called flavonoids. These compounds boost good HDL cholesterol level's, reduce blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol.
MXI Corp launched their chocolate product, Xocai, in June 2005. MXI buys its cocoa beans from family farms on the Ivory Coast where the rugged terrain creates a bean very rich in flavonoids and phytonutrients. During processing almost all of the fat and sugar typically found in the other chocolate products is eliminated. Besides the natural antioxidants, a full spectrum of additional antioxidants including blueberries, concord grapes and nature’s “complete food”, the Acai berry is added. The product is the most potent antioxidant delivery system available.

The Product:
1.A rich dark Belgian chocolate nugget equal in antioxidant value to one half pound of spinach.

2.A powerful antioxidant dark chocolate beverage with a full spectrum of potent berries. One oz. of this beverage equals 1 lb. of broccoli in antioxidant value.

3.The first ever omega-3 dark chocolate bar

4.A meal replacement protein bar containing 10 g of protein and 6 g of fiber.

5.The newest product is a Body by Xocolate weight-loss program.

For More information please go to:

then contact me at:
or call:

If You Love Chocolate, You'll LOVE Our HEALTHY Chocolate!




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