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Tim Southernwood

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7 Great Lies of Marketing - a Must Read!
6/17/2007 12:45:08 AM
Hi Friends, I'm not going to go into a long and drawn out explanation, I just found this FREE E-book to be SO truthful, I just had to share it.

All I can say is READ THIS BOOK!
Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Re: 7 Great Lies of Marketing - a Must Read!
6/17/2007 2:30:22 AM
Good One.
MLM is pure and simple just a pyramid scheme and only the very first into a new system, with make money and as more join the ones at the bottom will recieve less, if anything for their effort. This system is outlawed in quite a few countries for this very reason. Thanks for sharing this information. Keith.

Danny Mills

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Re: 7 Great Lies of Marketing - a Must Read!
6/17/2007 3:39:59 AM

Hi Keith,

This is a letter one of my friends sent to me after I told him that MLM was just a pyramid scheme and that only the first in succeed. These are his words not my words but I do happen to agree with him because his influence changed my life forever.

Hi Dan,

I happen to disagree with you when you say that MLM is just a pyramid scheme. Most of my personal development was from MLM training and MLM companies. Those companies I did not succeed in were still good companies and are still operating today.

The only reason I failed in them is because of myself and the things I failed to do to achieve success. Not to many people who join MLM companies are willing to admit this but it is the truth where I'm concerned and I also believe it is the truth where many others are concerned also. Many people do not understand MLM and simply make a decision to call what they don't understand a bad thing. I decided to be honest with my self and look my self in the mirror and start making correction.

Instead of praticing for my future in front of the boob toob and crushing beer cans to be manly I decided to start doing what was right and good for my famlies future. I studied all of the motivational books I could and they lead me back to the bible and I discovered that there was good cause to become a Christian.

Once I had my life in order the other necessary tasks to develope an MLM business all became easier and more natural for me. My success has been limited by my own desires and imagination. There are people who use to say the same things you have said but they said those things over 20 years ago and a number of the people who refused to believe what they said have sense become very successful in MLM companies.

People today are still becoming successful in MLM companies and so it is not true that the first ones to get in are the only ones who become successful.

MLM companies are still working for people today and helping them to become successful. I have kept in touch with many of them and have admired the success they have achieved. The first step in becoming successful in MLM is to admit that changes in behavior are necessary and required. Most will not make the necessary changes to succeed but the option is always there for them to do so. I refused to make changes for many years but I never gave up on myself either.

I hope this might encourage you to take a second look at MLM to get the inside scoop and maybe change your opinion of MLM and what is really required to succeed.

End of letter.

I followed my friends advice and influence and because I did so my life was changed forever in many ways.

Just food for thought!

i wish you the best and....

Expect A Great Day!


Re: 7 Great Lies of Marketing - a Must Read!
6/17/2007 5:42:59 AM
Well, Dan I agree to disagree with you. Firstly I will say that the first people at the top of the chain in both mlm and also affiliate programs and sponsoring people to join anything, mlm , ptc, ptr and online surfing programs will always be the winners.
I know one person here in adland that made like $800.00 in a month by referring people to a manual surfing program and just receiving 10% of her referrals upgrades. Now even there, she was in there fast and was lucky. The thing is that these programs, come and go. A lot pay well, then have problems , with hackers, scripts, not earning enough to pay out and just fold up and disappear.
The thing is that there is virtually no protection with programs on the internet and very few have any sort of insurance. The time comes with any of these programs that ,they have so many members and that is it. Any program will only attract a certain amount of members, so say they expect to have 10,000 in the program. If someone is to join up when they have 9, 500, then the chance of making any sort of income, will be very slight as opposed to say the first thousand, I am sure you follow what I am saying, Danny. There is one program available now that has been building a  membership for about 6 months and I was in it from the start and the amount of emails from people in adland that I have received, has been beyond a joke. Funny thing , is now the program is up and running, its almost impossible to access the website, let alone download the small software program needed to run the program and earn from it. If you are lucky enough to be earning a good income from mlm or anything else on the internet, then I say, I am happy for you and good luck. Keith.

Steven Suchar

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Re: 7 Great Lies of Marketing - a Must Read!
6/17/2007 1:42:54 PM
Hi Tim!
It's so nice seeing you in our forums.
Thank You for bringing your info to us & your link.
Happy Father's Day Tim...your friend Steven.

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