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Donna Zuehl

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Tips to Help Decrease Attacks of IBS
6/14/2007 6:28:11 PM
There are some things you can do to help
decrease attacks of IBS.

Try to keep moving after eating. Go for a
short walk; do your laundry; clean the furniture etc. The idea is to move about,
not lie down or sit down when you have a
full stomach. Definitely do not take a

Each day you should exercise moderately for at least 30 minutes. You can take a brisk walk; swim; play tennis; mow the lawn; play mini-golf etc. The idea is to increase your heart rate as well as get
your lungs working properly.
Exercise will keep your bowel working in a more effective manner.

Try to relax each day. You can do yoga, tai chi, listen to relaxation tapes, do visualization, listen to relaxing music, meditate, read, or whatever else you
find to be relaxing for you.

Avoid problematic foods. Keep a dairy of
everything you eat so you can determine
which foods/liquids cause problems for
your system.

If you feel that you may be headed for a bowel problem take loperamide, Pepto Bismol, or any other remedy that helps
avoid diarrhea.

Make sure you get soluble fiber daily.
Fiber is very important for those of us
experiencing IBS. You may need to try
different types of fiber to determine
what works the best for you.

Try to get good quality sleep. For some
people 1-3 mg. of melatonin can help
regulate your sleep.

Drink plenty of water. Eight glasses daily are usually recommended. You
need enough fluids to keep your bowel working properly. Caffeinated drinks will cause loss of body fluids so limit them.

If you have any other tips to share you should feel free to post them in this forum.
