The Bible uses the term "shepherd" for all kinds of goodleaders. But only One is the quintessential Shepherd. He shows usthat the heart of godly leadership is sacrifice not status, servicenot selfishness. We follow this Shepherd because we know he valuesus above his own life. Prayer; Holy and sacrificial Father, I am humbled to silence by yourplan to have Jesus be both Lord and Lamb, Shepherd and Sacrifice.Thank you for giving me life by his death and leadership by hisexample. I offer you my undying thanks in Jesus' name. Amen.
I really do appreciate your posts Thomas. They get to the meat of issues with clarity and an uplifting tone. I especially like this one today. It left me speechless, it is truly beautiful! "The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want....
Thank you so much for your posts,
Steve Hall