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BFA Results: May, 2007
6/5/2007 10:21:05 AM

Hey Everyone,

The BFA Results for May are below. Congratulations to our winner, John Sanchez with the POTW forum. John cashes in on 200 bucks CHC (Cold, Hard, Cash)

Coming in a close 2nd is Rose Enerud with one of the Adlandpro Community Favorites, her Arts & Exhibitions Forum.

Georgios Paraskeyopoulos slides in at 3rd with his Philoxenia Forum with John Sanchez' other forum, Scripture, Sound Doctrine, and the Mysteries of God and Robert Phillips' forum Friends Helping Friends taking 4th and 5th place respectively.

Congratulations to all the forum owners who made it into the top 5 and also to the owners of the forums who were nominated for this round of the BFA!

Remember, even if you didn't make the top 5 this month, you can still re-nominate your forums or your friends' forums.

Here are the detailed results from all three judges this month:

Can't see the results well on this page? You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read this.

1st Place Forum: Person of the Week, by John Sanchez >>$200.00 Winner!<<

Category Score* Judge 1 Comments Judge 2 Comments Judge 3 Comments
Visual 3.67 A little flashy for me but it suits the topic of the forum well. Some text is colorful, alignment is good, but the only real visual impact is that of the picture of the Winner. It provides focus, but lacks for that “visual punch” required for this Category. Excellent use of graphics and text portraying a very warm welcome
Originality 4.30 The “of the week” variety of forums are starting to become commonplace on Adlandpro yet this was an original. First of its kind! Excellent for being a “trail-blazer”. This forum is a leader in promoting recognition and inspiraton for stimulating activity and involvement by Adland members
Organized 4.83 The POTW is a well organized forum from what I can see. This is a Forum in which everyone expects and anticipates each week, and it effectively delivers to that momentum. Very well done and appealing
Owner Int. 3.3 I see more of Pauline Raina than I do of John. What gives? The Threads are made, and there is sporadic replies posted by the Forum Owner(s) but nothing consistent. This forum is set up for the POTW to respond, therefore owner involvement is only to insure the featured person responds accordingly.
Prof. 4.83 John and Pauline are both very professional when presenting this forum. Always crisp, clean, and to the point. Very professional! This forum is set up for the POTW to respond, therefore owner involvement is only to insure the featured person responds accordingly.
Totals** 20.93

2nd Place Forum/Owner: Art Exhibitions at Adlandpro, by Rose Enerud

Category Score* Judge 1 Comments Judge 2 Comments Judge 3 Comments
Visual 4.67 The graphics and artwork featured in this forum is second to none. The only thing that kept this forum down slightly is that the colors, fonts, welcome logo change from edition to edition. Too frequently I think. The images here are lovely and display the extreme talent of the featured Artist exceptionally well. This forum is extremely visually appealing.
Originality 4.83 Easily a one-of-a-kind forum on Adlandpro. First of its kind! Excellent for being a “trail-blazer”. This forum has complete originality as it pertains to Adlandpro
Organized 4.30 Clear topics, first post always follows a specific layout and format so you can locate what you need easily. Scannable for those of us who have little time and must use it wisely. Every thread is related to each other, and the content is fluid… flows like a book. Outstanding organization and presentation
Owner Int. 2.67 Unfortunately, I didn’t see enough of Rose to give her higher marks here. Sporadic replies, here and there. The interaction of the forum owner is not always consistent and more owner involvement is recommended
Prof. 3.30 Rose’s posts are always very short, low-key, and professional. More of a presence from which to make a better judgment may have pushed this mark higher. Though the postings are quick, the Forum owner congratulates the Artist every time with the same enthusiasm and exuberance! The presentation and posts are extremely professional and follow the topics with complete congruency
Totals** 19.77

3rd Place Forum/Owner: Philoxenia, by Georgios Paraskeyopoulos

Category Score* Judge 1 Comments Judge 2 Comments Judge 3 Comments
Visual 3.17 I had a tough time with the graphics. Too scattered and too many colors. Hard on the eyes. There are many appealing pictures and colours here, but it borders on too much when the eye has too many things to focus on at once. Slightly distracting from the topic at times. In viewing most recent threads, the forum owner has done a lot of preparation to bring a special and unique hospitality to his chosen featured persons/topics. The information and graphics are very well presented.
Originality 3.50 While the name of the forum is very clever, forums that feature people are all too common. This is not the first Forum on the topic of “hospitality” in general, though I do enjoy the Forum name very much! Hospitality is not necessarily unique in itself, but the special preparation work done to uniquely present featured individuals deserves special merit
Organized 3.50 The concept of Philoxenia is very clear however the forum posts do not appear to have a specific topic. They tend to scatter with birthdays, featured businesses, featured members etc. There is not much consistency in terms of related Thread topics vs. the Forum’s topic. The most recent focus on Philxoenia (hospitality) is well organized. Previous pages include multiple categories and topics with particular emphasis on name origins.
Owner Int. 4.30 Georgios spends a lot of time in his forums and it shows. People respond well to his posts. There is definitely interaction between the Forum owner and his loyal viewers here. Owner participation is optimum in the most recent threads, but was found to be sparce in earlier threads
Prof. 3.00 Georgios is very friendly and cordial however, there are quite a few spelling mistakes which cannot be attributed to not being used to the language. IE: A word being spelled correctly in one sentence and then misspelled in another. Also these are mostly mistakes the built in spell checker should be able to catch. The owner gets very personal with his posters, but that’s what this Forum is all about. For the most part, professionalism appears to be congruent, but there are several instances where discussions stray from the intent of the topic
Totals** 17.47

4th Place Forum/Owner: Scripture, Sound Doctrine, and..., by John Sanchez

Category Score* Judge 1 Comments Judge 2 Comments Judge 3 Comments
Visual 3.67 Threads laid out nicely. Good subtle use of color. A little too much red at times. Very neat and tidy format. Pleasing to the eye with not too many distracting colours and/ or unrelated images. Could use some images in general, but at least it’s not overkill. Pictures or graphics would enhance the opening page of each thread presented by the forum owner. Other thread owners use graphics which are intermingled in this forum topic.
Originality 3.17 Despite the quality of this forum, religious forums tend to be quite frequent. There are many Forums out and about on the preaching of the Christian and Catholic God. There are many forums on this subject, but there is also a great need for creating awareness on this subject matter.
Organized 3.67 The organization of this forum is average. The Threads are very comprehensible to the Forum name, and nothing catches a viewer off-guard. The forum owner threads follow the subject consistently. but again, there are multiple thread owners which make this difficult to rate.
Owner Int. 3.30 John seems to have a passion for religion which he demonstrates by being very present on the forum. Sporadic postings; nothing consistent. Owner appears to primarily focus on issues of which he can debate. There is a certain rigidity shown here.
Prof. 3.50 On more than one occasion, John has handled a potentially explosive situation with diplomacy and fairness. Very enjoyable for those who believe in this topic, but I imagine there are some Members who would like to interact… but cannot based on the topic. The subject matter requires a great deal of objectivity, discretion and respect on the forum owners part. This area could use some work.
Totals** 17.31

5th Place Forum/Owner: Friends Helping Friends, by Robert Phillips

Category Score* Judge 1 Comments Judge 2 Comments Judge 3 Comments
Visual 3.30 Little or no use of graphics. A few relevant and tasteful graphics might have bumped this up higher. Lacking points for visual aspect here, as the font colour is the only indication of such. The visual appeal of this forum is average based only on text usage. Very few graphics are included in this forum.
Originality 2.83 This forum tends to skip around from a “save the world” type position to “here are some tools you need for your business” and everything in between position. Too wide an array of topics to assign an originality score. There are many Forums that indicate hospitality, introduction and assistance. The topic is not necessarily original, but it is readily understood that this forum is business related about friends helping friends
Organized 2.83 Needs more work on finding a clear focus so people know the exact benefit of visiting the forum. There is no consistency with the Thread topics vs. Forum title; doesn’t give the viewer much to go on initially, which could deter them from entering further. This forum covers multiple topics, but some topics are not related to friends helping friends. There are multiple thread origins in addition to the forum owner.
Owner Int. 4.17 Although Robert has few posts in some of his other topics, when it’s required, he makes an appearance. Absolutely; this Forum owner loves to reply to his posters! I like that. All post are answered regularly and make participants feel important and valued. The forum owner shares tips and inspirations with all members equally.
Prof. 4.00 Average professionalism. Not much to be said here. Very cordial and polite. Always personality traits that welcome people with open arms! The forum owner always responds in a positive professional manner
Totals** 17.13
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Re: BFA Results: May, 2007
6/5/2007 10:25:09 AM



Flag of Chris Agostarola

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Re: BFA Results: May, 2007
6/5/2007 10:28:45 AM

Congratulations John!


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Flag of Joe Downing

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Re: BFA Results: May, 2007
6/5/2007 10:31:53 AM
Hello Michael,

I just wanted to let everyone know that if you are having trouble reading the results, just execute a post reply and you can read all columns with your browser open all the way in the greyed section.

It would have been nice to have had each table inserted separately in order to use the horizontal scroll and not have to page up and down constantly.  But, this workaround is functional.

Thanks Michael.
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Re: BFA Results: May, 2007
6/5/2007 10:36:04 AM

Hi Joe:

Thanks for popping that in there.  I added a downloadable Acrobat File with the results so you could look at it better.  Sorry about the formatting.  It's tough to squeeze 3 judges comments into a small 600 pixel screen. 

Send me a message on the community if you still have problems. 





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