Once you have found 3 People that are willing and able to commit and stick with you in developing new skills, then you can use the Pay It Forward Strategy and Sponsorship Transferring to build a strong Powerleg.
You really only need 3 Personally Sponsored members to reachthe top of your company's pay stucture.
Step 2: Commitment for at Least 3 Months. Commit to your New Business for at least 3 months.
Work with your sponsor, upline or other mentor to establish your reason why you are doing this business. It will take at least 3 months to start seeing good movement towards your goals and it is essential that you start your business, knowing that your first few months are a training and development period.
If you are committed to your Goals and Dreams then you must be prepared to work for it and be realistic. If you could make $1,000's a month within 2 - 3 months with an initial investment of next to nothing, then everyone would do it.
There are many people who are making a high 4 figure income within 18 months. You would have to agree that 18 months is a pretty short period of time to work towards an income that would probably replace you income.
Advertise your Lead Capture page with at least 3 different methods, one of which should be a paid method.
You can select from the wide range of advertising resources in the through tapping into tried and tested methods used suggested by your upline team.
The more people that see your Lead Capture Page, the more sign-ups you will get. Lead capture Pages takes the pain out of Network Marketing
Communication is the key to good solid team growth.
The best way that we have found to promote a great team spirit while at the same time allowing people to see that they are a part of something bigger than just themselves is to get onto the regular conference calls.
Our Networking Team is more like a family and we all share and support each other along the path to success.
Hi Brian!
One important note about the internet, is to never fall for the obious decoys. We are talking about letters from Africa, China and any one that tells you that they are holding $1o,000,000 till you give all your personel information.