
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Testimonials for Sycamore Creek's Power Of 9: ($20 = $24,800)
5/26/2007 1:14:21 PM
Testimonials for Sycamore Creek's Power of 9 ($20 = $24,800)
Posted: 05-25-2007 07:10 PM

Hi Everyone,  if you haven't visited the site yet, here it is:

I just joined a few days ago, after reading several testimonials from experienced marketers who have been with this program for awhile:

Colonel Robert Gwin, long-time MLM promoter: "I received over $3,000 (and a 1099 for 2006) from Sycamore Creek's Power of 9, I joined in May 2005 and it took me a few months to get the feel of the program, but since I did, I have done well with it."

Colleen Kennedy, publisher of Shore To Shore magazine: "Sycamore Creek was a good choice!  I have made 100s of dollars by their paying me $20 everytime someone joins.  It has been around for a few years now and is very honest and the CEO is really great.  The testimonials are excellent as most people who have been around mail-order know their names."

Marvin Hufford, downline builder: "As a 13-year veteran of mail-order/MLM and owner of my own downline-building service, I am always on the lookout for programs that I can pay members into.  I have found that many people today want a one-time payment program where they are not required to sponsor.  The Power Of 9 meets these qualifications, although members can make a lot more money if they do sponsor.  I have been in the program for a little over a month and have already sponsored over 40 members.  I am looking forward to receiving many $100, $500, and $2,500 checks in the future."

Rick Adams, mail-order publisher: "For me, 2006 was a pretty good year!  My earnings were well over $7,000 with The Power Of 9.  I've been in the program for a little over 2 years.  It's a winner because it works, it's that simple.  I have been involved with many MLM companies and never made as much as I have with The Power Of 9.  So, if there are folks out there who doubt this program, stick around for awhile and you will get paid.  Promote the program and get paid more, $20 for each person you recruit.  Not too shabby for a little work on your part!  Keep it simple and work the program and it will work for you."

Ron Perkins, businessman:  "To all of you who are wondering when you are going to make the big money from this program, I joined a couple years ago, and it's still going!  I got a 1099 in 2005 and another 1099 in 2006, and I just received another $1,200 from Sycamore Creek.  If you bought 3 positions for $360 and got a return of nearly $75,000, wouldn't it be worth it?  What bank or investment corporation can offer you this? None to my knowledge.  In 2 years time I have earned over $7,000 and it will still be coming!"


Sycamore Creek’s May 2007 Newsletter (from CEO Monica Byrne)

There’s excitement in the air, “Niners.”

PROGRAM UPDATE—As of April 30, a total of  2824 positions were held by
members in “The Power of 9,” compared to 2513 at the end of  March.  It
was a busy month for Sycamore Creek.  Lots of new ideas were being passed
around in e-mails about ways to help the program go faster and to help
people get more fully-paid-for $120 positions for themselves in the
program.  Be looking for special offers in the mail for saving you money,
or e-mail offers from several of our members.

SPONSORING CONTEST WINNERS—The 1st-place winner of a $100 certificate
sponsored 25 positions during the month of April; 2nd-place winner of a
$60 certificate sponsored 24 positions; and 3rd -place winner of a $40
certificate sponsored 18 positions.  We’ve added a 4th-place $20
certificate to the contest, retroactive to March.  In April, the 4th-place
winner sponsored 12 positions.  One member came in 5th by sponsoring 10
positions.  Quite a few other members sponsored fewer than 10 positions.
Thanks to everyone who has worked so hard to bring in new members.

CONTEST STARTS AGAIN THIS MONTH—Each month, we’ll be giving away $100, $60, $40, and $20 certificates to the top four sponsors.  These
certificates can be redeemed in the program (not for cash) by purchasing
more $20 positions and/or paying the $100 necessary for a position.  The
certificates are to be considered taxable income and will be reported to
the IRS on a 1099 form.  We will NOT be printing the names of the top four
sponsors in our monthly newsletters; however, the winners of the
certificates may submit testimonials if they wish to be recognized for
their hard work, and we will print their testimonials.  In the event of a
tie, names will be drawn to determine who receives the certificates.

PRE-INDEPENDENCE DAY SPECIAL—Here’s your chance to buy 1, 2, or 3 more
positions for yourself in “The Power of 9.”  Get more positions working
their way up the payline now, without having to earn them by sponsoring.
Send Sycamore Creek $120 plus 2 stamps for each position you want.  The
$20 will go to Sycamore Creek, not to your sponsor.  You will immediately
receive a position in both our $100 Matrix and our $500 Matrix when we
receive your $120 and stamps.  Limit 3.  Special ends July 4.

IMPORTANCE OF COVER LETTERS—A few members have written, saying they are discouraged because they aren’t getting responses to the flyers they are
mailing out.  Experience has shown many times over that it is the cover
letter, not the flyer itself, that sells the program.  Those members who
are sponsoring the most people are using well-prepared cover letters, with
some offering special incentives for joining the program.  Try using
excerpts from the newsletters, if you don’t know what to write in your
cover letter.  It costs too much to mail flyers these days without getting
responses, so do follow our advice and include a cover letter with your
flyer.  Handwritten letters are fine and could even be more effective than
typed letters.


“Hi.  My name is Wilbert Davis.  I am also a member of ‘The Power of 9’
group.  Listen up!  We are all in this together.  Spring is here.  People
are looking for ways to make money at home.  Here is a chance for all of
us to recruit more members into the program.  Friends, we’ve got to help
one another.  This program is not a selfish program; it works for all of

Testimonial from our 2nd-place winner of a $60 certificate, Gregory
Wilkerson:  “Greetings, people.  I’m so excited about ‘The Power of 9.’  I’d like to thank Sycamore Creek and the people I work with.  I’m looking forward to
the $100, $500, and $2500 checks.  United we will do well!  Thank you
everyone, and good luck to all."

Testimonial from our 3rd-place winner of a $40 certificate, Bob Gwin:
“Thanks for notifying me that I took 3rd place for April.  Sorry I didn't
get more!  We've been busy working on a better way to get more members put
into ‘The Power of 9’ for less, and we will look for everyone ‘AT THE
TOP’!  Let's make May better than April. "

Our 4th-place winner of a $20 certificate, David Van
Haueter sent several short text messages expressing his excitement about
winning a certificate in the sponsoring contest.  He’s using his $20
certificate to buy a 6th position for himself in “The Power of 9.”  He’s
already received money from a position he bought early on in the program,
from which he also received a completely-paid-for re-entry position, and
he looks forward to receiving much more money from his 6 positions in the

HOW TO ENTER THE $500 MATRIX AND THE $2500 MATRIX—Members receive
positions in our $500 Matrix as soon as their $100 is paid.  They enter
our $2500 Matrix in three ways:  1) When we receive five $100 payments
from their second level members, 2) if they send in the $500 themselves
and are reimbursed later when the $500 comes in from their second level in
our $100 Matrix, or 3) as soon as we fill up their 2x3 position in our
$500 Matrix.  We often fill up a member’s $500 2x3 matrix long before $500
comes in from their $100 Matrix second level, so it is to your advantage
to get your $100 for your position in to us early so that you may receive
a place higher up in our $2500 Matrix than you will if you wait to pay the
$100 or wait to have one of our investors pay it for you.

FREE POSITIONS—As you know, you can earn an unlimited number of free
positions just by sponsoring.  Sycamore Creek will pay the $100 for you
AFTER we fill your FREE 2x3 matrix.  However, if you’d like to get that
position quicker into our $500 Matrix, you can pay the $100 yourself
whenever you’d like to, and then we will reimburse the $100 to you later,
after we fill up your matrix.  You may also pay the $500 yourself to enter
that position quicker into our $2500 Matrix and then be reimbursed the
$500 at a later time when the money comes in from your second level.

Each month, “The Power of 9” is making measurable progress. Success rarely
comes instantaneously. Have reasonable expectations for your success in
the program and surround yourself with some of our associates who’ve been
successful in network marketing for a long time.  We have a number of them
in “The Power of 9.”
Tell your family!  Tell your friends!  “THE POWER OF 9” is THE NO FAIL
PROGRAM to join!!!  Thanks for your continuing support!

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