Every cause has an effect. Every choice has a consequence. If the consequences that come your way are not what you desire, there is a reliable way to change them. Simply make different choices.
Fortune and misfortune are not random conditions. They are the result of choices.
The seeds you sow, from moment to moment, from day to day, are the seeds that will grow. The choices you make will determine the consequences you experience.
Though that may at times seem like a burdensome responsibility, it is in fact a glorious opportunity. For it gives you the ability to point your life in whatever direction you choose.
The choice is yours, in every moment, every situation, every dilemma, every decision. Choose a life that is full, with meaning, with joy and with purpose.
Is there something in your life that you would like to make stronger? Then give more of your attention to it.
Have you come across a tiny shred of goodness in a situation that is otherwise filled with despair? Give your attention to that small goodness, and it will grow more influential.
Continue giving your attention to what is positive, and it will grow even more positive. Give your attention to what works, to what creates real value, and the value that is produced will increase.
Those who fail have usually given too much attention to the negative aspects of their efforts. All that attention has given those negative influences more and more power, to the point where they can be completely overwhelming.
Those who succeed, on the other hand, have given the bulk of their attention to the positive possibilities. And that attention has brought those possibilities to life.
Become aware of, and choose carefully, the things to which you give your attention. For where you place your attention is where your life will grow.
The concept of a valuable opportunity sounds good at a distance. Yet when opportunity presents itself up close, it can usually be a bit intimidating. For in addition to offering a desirable reward, opportunity also includes challenge. And that can make even the best opportunity rather uncomfortable when you first encounter it.
It may be tempting to avoid the effort, to avoid the discomfort, and to simply let the opportunity pass you by. Yet by avoiding the temporary discomfort of opportunity, you are setting yourself up for the permanent pain of regret.
The opportunities that you run away from will not likely come back again. You'll be left wondering what could have been, and regretting that you let something of great value slip through your hands.
Seizing a valuable opportunity takes effort, commitment, sacrifice, discipline, and the willingness to move beyond your comfort zone. The payoff for all that, however, can truly be enormous and will certainly lead to even bigger opportunities.
What a shame it would be to miss out on the best that life can offer just so you can avoid a little discomfort. Choose to enthusiastically seize the opportunities that come your way.
Though they may demand much of you, those opportunities you follow will give you much, much more.