Hello my friend, That seems to be very popular venture now, here is something to pass on.
Today Is All The Time You Will Ever Have To live for the future is to live in vain because there is no such reality. Today is your future. Therefore,
it is far better to fall in love with this day than to wait for a day you may never see. And when you live right, when you live with purpose, when you live and lead a righteous life, all the time you ever need will be made available to you. Whether you are twenty, forty, sixty or eighty, time well lived . . . is time well spent, so never bemoan old age or how you spent your time.
Looking backwards is never the best way to live or enjoy the riches that comes from living a principal-centered life. Live your life with great expectation by looking forward with great anticipation and a vision of never-ending success and prosperity. Accept as fact that all life is precious, fleeting, and as fragile as yesterday’s raindrops.
This very moment is a day you will never see again, so savor this moment. Enjoy this day. Go and find some joy, some peace, and some value in this day, and don’t wait until tomorrow! I advise you to think of every new day as a new opportunity; a second chance to smell the flowers, to taste the fruit, and to enjoy the grand beauty of a new beginning.
Kathy Hamilton/simikathy.com