
Does Email Marketing boost your sales...
5/17/2007 7:53:10 AM
People remember:

•  10% of what they read
•  20% of what they hear
•  30% of what they see
•  And 50% of what they see and hear together
There are over 700 million Internet users who send over 30 billion emails per day. The Internet has already surpassed TV, newspapers and magazines in reach.
Consumers check their email 13.1 times per week. Second only to brushing their teeth. (14.5 times per week)
What type of response on investment can I expect from video email?
Video email marketing reaps 280% higher returns than direct mail.
(Gartner Research)
According to Morgan Stanley Research Group to reach 30% of U.S. households it took:
The Telephone 38 Years
The TV 17 Years
The Internet Only 7 Years
Does email marketing boost sales?
“68% of the respondents said they have made purchases online after receiving email." (DoubleClick)
“…a discount was the most compelling motivational factor for making an immediate purchase after clicking on an email (70%)” (DoubleClick)
Should I send Video Emails to my existing customers?
The odds of selling a product to a new customer are 15%, whereas the odds of selling a product to an existing customer are 50%. (Bain and Co.)
"Acquiring a new customer costs five to ten times more than retaining one." (eMarketer)
Repeat customers spend 67% more. (Bain and Co.)
For more information, or to get started, please visit our site at:
Jim Skelton CEO Skelton Enterprises 330/426-3229
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