Hi Mary,
Here goes. I don't measure when I cook but just use your judgment and this will turn out just fine.
Nick's Warm Vegetable Salad.
Bring a large pot of water to a boil, and throw in two or three whole dry chills and bit of sea salt. Add to the boiling pot about 4 or 5 carrots, sliced into chunky coins, about 1/2 inch thick. When the water comes to a boil again, throw in half a large cauliflower broken into florets. When the water comes to a boil again, throw in a cup or so of frozen peas. When the water come to a boil again, (sound a bit repetitive?) drain the vegetable then throw them into a nice deep bowl.
Grate one fat glove of garlic into the the veggies, sprinkle with some sea salt to taste, grind in some fresh black pepper. Onto to this sprinkle some red or white wine vinegar (good quality please) then some green gold,( extra virgin olive oil) to taste, but keeping in mind a three oil to one vinegar ratio. (Olive oils is good for you so don't be afraid of it, pour it on.)
Now toss and serve while still warm.
I serve this in small glass bowls on plates that then get a heaping pile of Nick's Arousing Salad.
Hope you enjoy.
Nick Grimshawe Building better Salads together,