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My Worst Possible Self
5/9/2007 10:30:23 PM


I began reading a blog post by my friend Peter Scott! Please check out his page. He has some great stuff posted there.

and I ran across this title... Work on Your Worst Possible Self.

Self.... (pointing to my nose) What can I do better, to get an even better result?

Now in my Herbalife business we learn to take our weaknesses and make them your strengths. This is something I AM continually learning how to do. I thought I was perfect! :) until I started picking myself apart.  This is definitely an upstream thought for all my ABE Friends. It was an icky feeling too. Why you ask? Because..

All my life I've been an overachiever and then having to realize I DON'T KNOW everything and I AM NOT EVEN GOOD AT some of the things I needed to be good at. Most of the time things came easily for me. It's not the skill I needed to learn. I just had to refine it. What I did need to learn was to pay attention to the details. They are the key.

So I'm going to share with you my major challenge is procrastination.

I don't like to be on anyone else's time except my own. I'm a hurry up and wait type of girl. I can get it all done at the same time, instead of doing one or two or three things. Multi-tasker. And in the process this means many overnighters or having to work twice as hard and perhaps lacking a bit in attention to detail. Maybe I missed the play or missed the book or missed the butterflies in the park with my children, or missed a sale because of procrastination.

Our business is just like the doctor's office. They live and die by the appointment confirmation. Take Appointment Confirmations for instance. I was good at them...When I did it... and When I didn't... then I had to work that much harder to get them rebooked. I would rationalize it to myself. Well my natural self says that everyone should "police" themselves and be responsible and SHOW UP on time. So my "belief" fed my procrastination.

After making a commitment to my goals, I made a shift. In a month of just taking the appointment confirmation seriously, my ratio when from 56% to 88% conversion. It was such a small shift. So why do 80% of the work and not to the last 20%. The 20% gets you everything. Otherwise you get a big, fat donut!

So here is the plan.

It takes consistency or repetition to build the muscle. To build the muscle you need the discipline. To get the discpline you need to make a commitment.

A commitment to whom you may ask? To yourself, your goals, your dreams.

So let's start backwards.

1. What are your goals & dreams?

2. What weakness do you want to make your strength?

3. What are your disempowering beliefs? Change it to a positive.

4. What discipline do you need to install or instill in yourself to get your goals?

Once you've filled that out, then you're ready to go to work on yourself. Write it down. Post it everywhere until you really get it and get it good. Then practice!

The results will show up. Then you celebrate and fix! Pat yourself on the back.

LeAnn Markowski


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