
Time is Running Out... Do Yourself a Favour
5/6/2007 6:36:29 PM

I've just received the email below... I'm so glad I signed up... you really should take a closer look at this opportunity guys!!!

"Dear Friends,

Most of us are too busy.

So I figured you probably haven't had the time to digest the many aspects of GWOPC, or to keep up with developments. Or - not having had the time to look closely - maybe you just think it's a scam.

That's why I wrote this long screed: to try to give you a summary and overview of the exceptional GWOPC opportunity.

It took some work and some time to write this, but I only bothered because I think it's very important to both you and me.

Please take the time to carefully consider what follows.

Okay, so let me tell you something: I've taken the time to look closely and I've been paying a lot of attention to GWOPC. I've been going over it and over it, and deeper and deeper into it - and, frankly, I've been startled by what I discovered.

I'm now certain that you don't want to miss out on what's happening, that missing out on GWOPC now could be a very serious mistake. This WANTS your attention!

Okay. Here we go. . .

GWOPC - What It Is:

GWOPC is a private club that is legally incorporated in Panama.

It actually has a "brick and mortar" presence, with offices and staff, computers, bank accounts, attorneys, etc.

And because the Club is incorporated in Panama - which has NO tax treaties with ANY country - GWOPC is NOT required to report members' incomes to anyone.

In the Simplest of terms:

GWOPC is a club for generating and protecting prosperity.

In Simple terms:

GWOPC members will generate a taxfree income simply by virtue of being members, and their membership will put them in a position to protect that income and other assets from the armies of asset raiders like attorneys and the taxman.

Along with other optional income streams, members will also enjoy savings - normally paying only 25 to 30% of retail - on commonly purchased products. The combination of income and savings should easily cover more than the cost of membership.

In more complex terms:

GWOPC is all of the above, and much more. The club is also designed to become a kind of global "conduit" for a huge number and variety of Retail Products - worldwide. Members around the world will enjoy deep savings on items they normally buy. They will also be in a position to make substantial income from those products in a variety of ways; but the most significant way will involve the SECOND CLUB!

The SECOND CLUB is not exclusive and sharply focused like GWOPC.

Instead it's a savings vehicle for Worldwide Consumers. It will open on June 1st, the same date GWOPC will be fully operational.

GWOPC is totally separate from this second club, but will be its Foundation! It will build Club Two, and the GWOPC members who so choose will be in a position to generate many multiple incomes, both on retail club memberships and a very wide variety of products - all through 5 sponsorship levels.

You see? The Club's (substantial!) Matrix Income is only just a relatively humble beginning!

The Surprise:

So it can be a little difficult at first to grasp what GWOPC is.

And there are good reasons for that. It's an original concept that's very different from anything that's come before it. It has both simple and more complicated aspects. And its scope is much bigger than what we are used to seeing, vastly bigger. You see - and it's easy to miss this at first - GWOPC is almost shockingly audacious, stunningly ambitious:

GWOPC plans to be a major player in some of the biggest consumer markets in the world! We, of course, as GWOPC members have a role to play in all that, and one of them is to take home a lot of taxfree money!

Who Will join GWOPC?

The SECOND CLUB will appeal to the hundreds of millions of consumers who are looking for substantially better deals on what they always buy. Every GWOPC member will be in a position to profit from this huge market.

GWOPC will appeal to a narrower group. Millions of people, however, fit the profile for GWOPC Membership. Broadly speaking GWOPC will attract individuals who wish to gain any of the following as members of our club:

* 1) Those who wish to generate either a PASSIVE or ACTIVE taxfree income.

* 2) Those who wish to incorporate in Panama to either protect existing assets or those assets they acquire as a result of their club membership.

* 3) Those who want very cheap but highly qualified legal advise about sheltering their assets Panama.

* 4) Those who consider the cost of membership fees to be less than the value of the benefits they receive as a member.

* 5) Those who realize that as one of the early members, their monthly income from the matrix alone could well be greater than their membership fees.

* 6) Those who wish to save money on or receive free digital products.

* 7) Those who wish to earn money selling those digital products.

* Those who wish to save a significant amount of money on consumable products.

* 9) Those who wish to earn money on-selling those consumer products.

* 10) Those who have products or services they wish to promote to other members.

* 11) Those who have "business opps" to promote to other members.

* 12) US citizens who wish to be able to fund their online gambling accounts. This special group is VERY large and a result of recent US prohibitions.

* 13) As GWOPC and the SECOND Club establish themselves, there will be a VERY large group that wishes to develop the multiple taxfree incomes available through the Second Club to GWOPC members.

GWOPC Compensation:

It's TaxFree:

The FIRST thing to be clear on is that your income from the club will NOT ever be reported to ANY government agency anywhere. In other words, it's tax-free if you want it to be.

Matrix Comp 3x10:

If you are a paid member, then you are in the matrix. Everyone in the matrix is qualified for payment. Period.

There are no further requirements for monthly matrix income - no sponsoring, no product purchases, etc. In this way, GWOPC is totally different from any mlm's I've ever heard of.

The only requirement for monthly compensation is this: You must be a PAID member of the club. Monthly membership fees are from about 65 cents to $1.00 per day (USD): $20.00 - $30.00 per month.

The membership matrix structure is a 3x10 "three by," with levels going down from a minimum of seven for everyone to a maximum of ten for "Diamonds" members.

* Silver members receive payment on levels 1-7.

* Gold members receive payment on levels 1-8.

* Diamond members receive payment on all 10 levels.

Regular Matrix Compensation works out at $1.00 per member in your group. Your group grows in the usual ways: from your efforts, from spill-over from above, and from the activity of those in your group - no matter how they arrived there. Over time, this kind of group can quite easily become enormous - with a corresponding growth in income.

The max potential matrix payments are as follows:

* Silver members: $5,466 each month.

* Gold: $12,027 each month.

* Diamond: $90,759 each month. PLUS Matching Bonuses each month.

Note that these potentials are there whether you do anything or not!

20% Matching Bonuses:

Diamond Members can get Matching Bonuses in addition to their matrix payments. The bonuses are 20% of the matrix checks received by each member you referred to the club - and they are, of course, monthly!

Pre-registered members like you can become FOUNDING MEMBERS, if you pay for your membership by May 25th.

The Club is giving LIFETIME Matching Bonuses to ALL DIAMOND FOUNDING MEMBERS. That's YOU if you join as a Diamond by May 25th.

You will qualify for 20% Matching Bonuses forever.

SECOND CLUB Compensation:

A second and totally separate worldwide Retail Savings Club - a kind of worldwide "Sam's Club," will open June 1st, the same date on which GWOPC will become fully operational. See more details about this club and its compensation below - and especially look in your GWOPC website backoffice under the Marketing Plan item.

The Second Club will pay compensation to GWOPC members who participate through FIVE levels of compensation - all based on retail and discount sales around the world, as well as Retail Club membership fees.

The potential here dwarfs even the very large potential of GWOBC itself.

Application Fee Bonuses:

The club charges a one time $50 (USD) application fee, of which the club keeps $10.

The rest of the fee is shared out to members as follows:

* $20.00 is paid to the actual sponsor of the new member.

* $10.00 is paid to the next upline Diamond member.

* $5.00 is paid to the next two upline Diamond members.

These bonuses make it pretty easy for any member to recoup their membership fee - totally aside from any other savings or income they receive! And they make it very easy for a Diamond member.

Membership Fees:

While we're on the subject, these are the fees. I especially like that the cheapest membership pays by far the best!

Silver Membership is $30.00 per month, paid quarterly in advance.

Gold Membership is $25.00 per month, paid half yearly in advance.

Diamond Membership is $20.00 per month, paid yearly in advance.

As stated, the club also charges a one time $50 (USD) application fee when you join.

You can join by Logging In to your GWOPC Website and hitting the appropriate item there. Everything about joining - and everything else is fully explained there.

Three Broad Categories of Products for Members:

Every viable program needs real and needed products. And GWOPC meets this # ONE requirement in many ways, providing many kinds of products and many kinds of savings.

In fact, the club itself is an astounding and many faceted resource, making the Club itself its own most valuable product!

But in more conventional terms, the club also offers these products. . .

1. Service Products:

Among other services, the club will offer. . .

Panamanian Offshore Incorporation and Corporate Bank Account which can safeguard your assets from seizure and offer many other advantages. Paid members get professional information and advice at no charge. Free interaction with attorneys on a special section of the private Members' Only Club Forum.

Members can set up their own offshore Panamanian companies and/or trusts through the Club's Panamanian attorneys at highly discounted rates, normally saving around 12%. This is both a very valuable a and highly qualified informational resource AND a perfectly practical way of safeguarding what you've got and what you will have.

2. Consumable Products:

These are products you probably already buy, and you will typically pay 25% or 30% of what you pay now at retail. When the Second Club goes Live, the range of products will

For example -

Nutritional Supplements: you will pay typically 30% of retail, or 20% of typical mlm prices. Skin, body care or cosmetic products and household cleaning products will offer similar low member pricing.

3. Hundreds of Digital Products:


The club will make many hundreds of such re-sellable products available free or for one penny each. Members can save and can also profit by reselling them.

For a large majority of members the savings alone will more than pay their membership cost.

Selling ANYTHING is completely OPTIONAL for all GWOPC members . .


But if you want to promote, there are huge and varied ways you can make much more than you might with just the matrix payments!

The Amazing SECOND Club:

A second and totally separate worldwide Retail Savings club will open June 1st.

This club will be very much bigger than GWOPC - vastly larger in fact - since its entire focus will be on worldwide global savings on Retail Products that are used by virtually everyone. The SECOND Club will appeal to the largest market in the world - worldwide consumers who want to save on their purchases.

This SECOND CLUB is totally separate from GWOPC but GWOPC will be it's foundation, for it will be built by our members. GWOPC members will also have their own personal replicated websites for every product marketed by the Retail Savings Club.

The Second Club will pay compensation to GWOPC members through FIVE levels of compensation - based on sales of Retail Club memberships and retail and discount sales around the world.

Again, see the details in the documents in the backoffice of your GWOPC website.

The potential here is nothing short of mind-boggling. . .

The Real questions -

The GWOPC program is unique and impressive, and if it works it could revolutionize your life and mine for the better.

So what are the real questions that should concern you and me, and what are the answers to them?

Is it a scam?

My crystal ball is pretty dusty, and I never really trusted it anyway. So, I have to go on my "take" on management, where THEIR interests lie, and the quality of the program.

In a word: NO.

I am thoroughly convinced GWOPC is NOT a scam.

Management is extremely responsive and forthright with the membership. If you register for the GWOPC Forum (use your back office!), I'm sure you will see this too.

They have developed a highly original and ambitious program that no scammer would bother working out in such detail. The concept and the plan is just too good. Implementation has also been good and very much on schedule.

Management has vastly more to gain by implementing the program than by dumping it and running with the money.

While I don't know the management people, others who do have vouched for them, for their experience and qualifications, and for their character. I think all of that is also self-evident in the originality and quality of the program and in everything management has produced so far.

I know I've not always been right about everything. I'm still working on that! But my mind and my gut feeling tell me: this is no scam and it's for real.

Will Anyone Join?

This is, I think, the main short-term question. If no one joins, then the Matrix will be empty and it will hardly pay anything to anyone.

This is, again, crystal ball territory. Personally, I suspect that initial growth will be less than some would hope for. But the Matrix will be paying and members will be joining - for all the many reasons listed above. I'm sure the Club will be fully operational on June 1st - or very close to June 1st. I'm sure the Second Club will launch and be good.

In short, I'm sure that this Club is a very serious project and that it will prove itself to be real and viable. It will be paying better and better to its early - and later - members. And I'm certain that the Members Who Joined as FOUNDERS will be very glad they did!

Founding Members, especially Diamond Founding Members, who join now before May 25th, will find that they are in a rare and wonderful and privileged position as their taxfree club income grows and provides for greater security and a better life.

I think everyone who becomes a paid Founding Member Now will congratulate themselves on having the courage to take a small and well-educated gamble, and to have had the smarts and foresight to change their lives for the better.

That's the way I expect this to work.

Me? My Membership Application is going in this week, and it will say DIAMOND on it!"

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