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Mondai Nai and that’s not Monday Misspelled
5/6/2007 12:22:35 PM

Mondai Nai and that’s not Monday Misspelled
Copyright © LeAnn Markowski

I am part of the Abraham-Hick yahoo group and a message came across about difficult coworkers.

A compelling topic since this is something most of us deal with on a daily basis. Now we can take to roads as my boss likes to say. You can be a Chimp or you can be a Chump.

Here is My preferred method that seems to be yielding results.

First, I repeat the phrase "Your wrongness has NOTHING to do with me." Or "Their wrongness has nothing to do with me." This is from Abraham-Hicks. I repeat this under my breath whenever anyone comes near me and it has helped tremendously. I'm sealing myself in a bubble and letting whatever their experience is not come into my experience.

Second, I have written on little sticky notes and lavender paper the phrase MONDAI Nai. It's all over my office in black magic marker. This actually has helped out a lot since people think it's just a silly word and ask what the heck is that!So I have to tell them it means... NO PROBLEM!! In Japanese. Then they laugh and start repeating it to themselves because it's funny to say and then guess what? They start saying it to themselves and thinking NO PROBLEM! Then others ask them what they heck they are saying and they have to telland it's a never ending NO PROBLEM!

Now this whole last week in my officeand everyone is walking around giggling and everything REALLY was NO Problem!So I'm "intentionally" infecting them with personal development AND the bestpart is... IT'S WORKING! The work environment is becoming..... just becoming right now. I'll report more later.

I think the important lesson from what my boss is saying is you can choose to be chumps and buy into their excuses of the sky is falling and then it is or we can continue to say, "The sun IS shining and the grass IS green" and continue on our path.

If you would like more information on the Mondai Nai, just look up Doran Andry and Coach Joseph McClendon, III. The Burning Desire CD series is EXCELLENT and well worth the money.


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