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Kathy Hamilton

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Home Business can Suffer and Phobias and Fears can Control your Life
5/6/2007 10:01:40 AM
Hello my friends,
Here is a article from our new friend here at Adlandpro.


Phobias and Fears can Control your Life and your Home Business.

Some problems are easier to overcome than others when starting anything new and especially true when it comes to starting a business online. I've come to realize a ton of things in my years of being active on the Internet about these fears and phobias that are the causes of Internet Failure. I understand them because I have felt them all and even more than the ones discussed here.

People let their many Phobias and Fears control their life with feelings of doubt and it discourages them in starting their Home Business. The primary fear for most people is that they will fail. The immobilizing fear of failure makes them say it can't be done, and they may never even try it because their fear makes them believe they can't do it.

When it comes to an Internet Business, many of us feel that we lack too many things, including money, confidence, knowledge, and direction.

Some of the feelings that fuel our fear are: UNCERTAINTY ~ SELF DISTRUST ~ DOUBT ~ SKEPTICISM SUSPICION ~ MISTRUST... these are a few, there are MANY more.

Fear of Losing Money = UNCERTAINTY - The fear of failing brings uncertainty about their finances and it makes them afraid they won't have enough start up capital or that they will spend too much money and get nothing in return. They also fear that they will just be wasting their time and then it becomes not just about losing money, it's the loss of time as well.

Fear of Inadequate Self-Confidence = SELF DISTRUST - When an opportunity arises, as in starting a business, some people fear that they are not going to be good enough or smart enough to make a success of anything. This is especially true when their self esteem is already at a low point. Taking a stand against negative thoughts about themselves is the first step and then they must rewrite the inner 'scripts' that have come to believe and turn negative thinking into positive.

Fear of having Incomplete Knowledge = SELF DOUBT - They are afraid they won't know how to be successful because of a lack of knowledge in the business that they chose. They may not know which system to promote, where to begin, who will help them, and of all these "guru millionaires", which one to listen to ~ That brings up the importance of an Honest Mentor -- (see below)

Fear of Friends and Family Opinions = SKEPTICISM - No one wants to be ridiculed by the people that they trust the most. They imagine that their friends would say negative things because of the belief they may have in their minds that people don't make money doing this... whatever it is. That should truly be incentive for them to be even more determined to prove them wrong!

Fear of trusting the wrong people = MISTRUST - Lack of an Honest Mentor - (or finding one that they trust) can cause fear that they will get taken or ripped off. There are so many self proclaimed "millionaires" on the web that seemingly know 'everything' about making a living online... Our minds naturally have SUSPICION when it is implied that someone knows "everything" and have these "secrets" that they want to share with you and make you a millionaire too.

The reality is that most people are afraid of "doing it wrong" the first time out...because nobody likes to try something and fail. Fear of failure can be devastating to any business and especially when you have family and friends looking over your shoulder... It just seems like with Internet Businesses, especially, people are just waiting for you to fail in your endeavor!

The bottom line is that the number one reason people fail is because of fears and phobias, and mainly their fear of failure...

How can you get past it all and succeed anyway?

You'll have to find an approach for you to mentally relieve the anxiety and stress over your life. Take some actions to not allow these uncomfortable thoughts to rule your life, and please realize that proven solutions do exist. Anxiety and Phobias are the mind’s indicators that we are probably making things more important than they really are. To put it simply, you have to have faith in your ideal outcome and don't let your mind stray from what your ideal outcome will provide in your life and your business.

Let me end by saying that many people will never earn to their full potential because the fear rules their lives and sabotages their business opportunities... Don't be controlled by fear and take matters into your own hands and mind. Take the reins and drive this thing all the way to the place that you want to be in life. Be determined and don't give up because most people quit right on the brink of their success, never even knowing what could have been for them. Never realizing their dreams.

As quoted by Eleanor Roosevelt: We gain strength, and courage, and confidence by each experience in which we really stop to look fear in the face ... we must do that which we think we cannot.

Melanie Ferguson specializes in honestly informing people of the possibilities available in achieving large monthly incomes online and assists them in being successful. If you would like a free report and online tour detailing exactly how you can be making $5,000 to $10,000 a month starting in the next 45 days or less, please visit her site:

She is also a trusted counselor in home based opportunities in the mortgage industry, as she has been an Indiana Licensed Mortgage Broker for the past 8 years. She will be happy to train and mentor you to gain a successful home business that provides a substantial monthly income. Please email her if you are interested in knowing more.

Discover exactly how to make quick easy money online today!!

Article Source:

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Neil Sperling

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Re: Home Business can Suffer and Phobias and Fears can Control your Life
5/6/2007 11:42:16 AM


Great Thread.

To deal with Fear we have to first understand what it is.

F - alse

E- vidence

A - ppearing

R- eal

It is in our imagination.... it is NOT Real.

People who are full of fear think others are lucky and they are not.

L- abour

U- nder

C - orrect

K- nowledge

...... then comes the Virus that is speading rapidly.

 It is a dangerous virus being passed around electronically, orally, and By hand. This virus is called Worm-Overload-Recreational-Killer .....(WORK).


Neil Sperling MB

Kathy Hamilton

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Re: Home Business can Suffer and Phobias and Fears can Control your Life
5/7/2007 12:33:21 AM

If you read this forum thread, do not miss out on Kathy's main point here.

The words you read are from a post that I wrote.

I am the success story mentioned here.

Much of my succeess came from using the tools and submission service I also offer to my customers, on my own site (see partner link on Kathy's site below)

Please use Kathy's link here to sign up or order our fast, easy affordable submission services and other awesome traffic services. 

You need targeted traffic to make more sales and profits online.

No traffic = no sales.....period 

Targeted Traffic is our business.

You can also make a lot of money, just like Kathy does every month....from our FREE to join affiliate program!


I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking