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Kathy Hamilton

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5/4/2007 9:02:37 PM

full moon and lunar effects

4 May, 2007

moon phases

The full moon has been linked to crime, suicide, mental illness, disasters, accidents,  birthrates, fertility, and werewolves, among other things. Some people even buy and sell stocks according to phases of the moon, a method probably as successful as many others. Numerous studies have tried to find lunar effects. So far, the studies have failed to establish much of interest. Lunar effects that have been found have little or nothing to do with human behavior, e.g., the discovery of a slight effect of the moon on global temperature,* which in turn might have an effect on the growth of plants. Of course, there have been single studies here and there that have found correlations between various phases of the moon and this or that phenomenon, but nothing significant has been replicated sufficiently to warrant claiming a probable causal relationship.

Ivan Kelly, James Rotton and Roger Culver (1996) examined over 100 studies on lunar effects and concluded that the studies have failed to show a reliable and significant correlation (i.e., one not likely due to chance) between the full moon, or any other phase of the moon, and each of the following:

-the homicide rate
-traffic accidents
-crisis calls to police or fire stations
-domestic violence
-births of babies
-major disasters
-casino payout rates
-aggression by professional hockey players
-violence in prisons
-psychiatric admissions [one study found admissions were lowest during a full moon]
-agitated behavior by nursing home residents
-gunshot wounds
-emergency room admissions [but see]
-behavioral outbursts of psychologically challenged rural adults
-sleep walking

If so many studies have failed to prove a significant correlation between the full moon and anything, why do so many people believe in these lunar myths? Kelly, Rotton, and Culver suspect four factors: media effects, folklore and tradition, misconceptions, and cognitive biases. A fifth factor should be considered, as well: communal reinforcement.

the media perpetuates lunar myths

Lunar myths are frequently presented in films and works of fiction. "With the constant media repetition of an association between the full moon and human behavior it is not surprising that such beliefs are widespread in the general public" (Kelly et al. 1996). Reporters also "favor those who claim that the full moon influences behavior." It wouldn't be much of a story if the moon was full and nothing happened, they note. Anecdotal evidence for lunar effects is not hard to find and reporters know that one good anecdote trumps ten scientific studies when it comes to reader interest, even though such evidence is unreliable for establishing significant correlations. Relying on personal experience ignores the possibility of self-deception and confirmation bias.  Such evidence may be unreliable, but it is nonetheless persuasive.

folklore and tradition

Many lunar myths are rooted in folklore. For example, an ancient Assyrian/Babylonian fragment stated that "A woman is fertile according to the moon." Such notions have been turned into widespread misconceptions about fertility and birthrates. For example, Eugen Jonas, a Slovakian psychiatrist, was inspired by this bit of folklore to create a method of birth control and fertility largely rooted in astrological superstitions. The belief that there are more births during a full moon persists today among many educated people. Scientific studies, however, have failed to find any significant correlation between the full moon and number of births (Kelly and Martens 1994; Martens et al.1988 ). In 1991, Benski and Gerin reported that they had analyzed birthdays of 4,256 babies born in a clinic in France and "found them equally distributed throughout the synodic (phase) lunar cycle" (Kelly, et al. 1996: 19). In 1994, Italian researchers Periti and Biagiotti reported on their study of 7,842 spontaneous deliveries over a 5-year period at a clinic in Florence. They found "no relationship between moon phase and number of spontaneous deliveries" (ibid.).

Despite the fact that there is no evidence of a significant correlation between phases of the moon and fertility, some people not only maintain that there is, they have a "scientific" explanation for the non-existent correlation. According to "Angela" of AstraConceptions at

...photic (light) signals sent by the lens and retina of the eyes are converted into hormone signals by the pineal gland. It is the pineal gland which signals the onset of puberty in humans and plays a part in the fertility rhythms of all species.

In animals which reproduce seasonally, it is the changing light patterns which trigger the fertility cycle. The gradual change in both the length of day and the changing angle of the sun in the sky (caused by earth's motion) is interpreted by the pineal gland as a signal to commence the fertility season.

Of course, humans do not reproduce seasonally. Our fertility cycles exhibit an obvious monthly rhythm. The light source which has a monthly periodicity is, of course, the Moon.

It is interesting to note that menstruation is actually a shedding process. Just as the average menstrual cycle is 28 days in length, the human body sheds a layer of skin approximately every 28 days.

Yes, that is very interesting to note--if you are interested in sympathetic magic and aren't bothered that approximations aren't equals. Angela continues: is not only the changing day length but also the changing angular position of the sun which triggers this process; the pineal gland receives photic (light) impressions and converts these into hormonal messages which signal the onset of these cycles.

With humans the cycles of fertility (and shedding) are triggered by photic impressions as well. Yet our cycles have a monthly periodicity which is obviously synchronized with fluctuations of the lunar light.

Obviously. However, the light of the moon is a very minor source of light in most women's lives, and is no more likely than the moon's gravitational force to have a significant effect on a woman's ovulation. Furthermore, the average menstrual cycle is 28 days but varies from woman to woman and month to month, while the length of the lunar month is a consistent 29.53 days.* Some of us have noticed that these cycles are not identical. Furthermore, it would seem odd that natural selection would favor a method of reproduction for a species like ours that depended on the weather. Clouds are bound to be irregularly and frequently blocking moonlight, which would seem to hinder rather than enhance our species' chance for survival.

Some mythmakers believe that long ago women all bled in sync with the moon, but civilization and indoor electric lighting (or even the discovery of fire by primitive humans) have disturbed their rhythmic cycle. This theory may seem plausible until one remembers that there are quite a few other mammals on the planet that have not been affected by firelight or civilization's indoor lighting and whose cycles aren't in harmony with the moon. In short, given the large number of types of mammals on our planet, one would expect that by chance some species' estrus and menstrual cycles would harmonize with lunar cycles (e.g., the lemur). It is doubtful that there is anything of metaphysical significance in this.

What we do know is that there has been very little research on hormonal or neurochemical changes during lunar phases. James Rotton's search of the literature "failed to uncover any studies linking lunar cycles to substances that have been implicated as possible correlates of stress and aggression (e.g., serotonin, melatonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, testosterone, cortisol, vasopressin [directly relevant to fluid content], growth hormone, pH, 17-OHCS, adrenocrotropic hormone [? adrenocorticotropic hormone?])" (Rotton 1997). One would think that this area would be well-studied, since hormones and neurochemicals are known to affect menstruation and behavior.


Misconceptions about such things as the moon's effect on tides have contributed to lunar mythology. Many people seem to think that since the moon affects the ocean's tides, it must be so powerful that it affects the human body as well. The lunar force is actually a very weak tidal force. A mother holding her child "will exert 12 million times as much tidal force on her child as the moon" (Kelly et al., 1996: 25). Astronomer George O. Abell claims that a mosquito would exert more gravitational pull on your arm than the moon would (Abell 1979). Despite these physical facts, there is still widespread belief that the moon can cause earthquakes.* It doesn't; nor does the sun, which exerts much less tidal force on the earth than the moon.

The fact that the human body is mostly water largely contributes to the notion that the moon should have a powerful effect on the human body and therefore an effect on behavior. It is claimed by many that the earth and the human body both are 80% water. This is false. Eighty percent of the surface of the earth is water. Furthermore, the moon only affects unbounded bodies of water, while the water in the human body is bounded.

Also, the tidal force of the moon on the earth depends on its distance from earth, not its phase. Whereas the synodic period is 29.53 days, it takes 27.5 days for the moon to move in its elliptical orbit from perigee to perigee (or apogee to apogee). Perigee (when the moon is closest to earth) "can occur at any phase of the synodic cycle" (Kelly et al. 1990: 989). Higher tides do occur at new and full moons, but not because the moon's gravitational pull is stronger at those times. Rather, the tides are higher then because "the sun, earth, and moon are in a line and the tidal force of the sun joins that of the moon at those times to produce higher tides" (ibid.: 989).

Many of the misconceptions about the moon's gravitational effect on the tides, as well as several other lunar misconceptions, seem to have been generated by Arnold Lieber in The Lunar Effect (1978), republished in 1996 as How the Moon Affects You. In The Lunar Effect, Lieber incorrectly predicted a catastrophic earthquake would hit California in 1982 due to the coincidental alignment of the moon and planets. Undeterred by the fact that no such earthquake had occurred, Lieber did not admit his error in the later book. In fact, he repeated his belief about the dangers of planet alignments and wrote that they "may trigger another great California earthquake." This time he didn't predict when.

cognitive biases and communal reinforcement

Many believe in lunar myths because they have heard them repeated many times by members of the mass media, by police officers, nurses, doctors, social workers, and other people with influence. Once many people believe something and enjoy a significant amount of communal reinforcement, they get very selective about the type of data they pay attention to in the future. If one believes that during a full moon there is an increase in accidents, one will notice when accidents occur during a full moon, but be inattentive to the moon when accidents occur at other times. If something strange happens and there is a full moon at the time, a causal connection will be assumed. If something strange happens and there is no full moon, no connection is made, but the event is not seen as counterevidence to the belief in full moon causality. Memories get selective, and perhaps even distorted, to favor a full moon hypothesis. A tendency to do this over time strengthens one's belief in the relationship between the full moon and a host of unrelated effects.

the moon, madness and suicide

Probably the most widely believed myth about the full moon is that it is associated with madness. However, in examining over 100 studies, Kelly et al. found that "phases of the moon accounted for no more than 3/100 of 1 percent of the variability in activities usually termed lunacy" (1996: 18). According to James Rotton, "such a small percentage is too close to zero to be of any theoretical, practical, or statistical interest or significance" (Rotton 1997).

Finally, the notion that there is a lunar influence on suicide is also unsubstantiated. Martin et al. (1992) reviewed numerous studies done over nearly three decades and found no significant association between phases of the moon and suicide deaths, attempted suicides, or suicide threats. In 1997, Gutiérrez-García and Tusell studied 897 suicide deaths in Madrid and found "no significant relationship between the synodic cycle and the suicide rate" (p. 248). These studies, like others which have failed to find anything interesting happening during the full moon, have gone largely unreported in the press.

update Feb 1, 2000: According to Allan Hall of the Sunday-Times, German researchers Hans-Joachim Mittmeyer of the University of Tübingen and Norbert Filipp from the Health Institute of Reutlingen claim that "a study of police reports for 50 new and full Moon cycles" shows that the moon is "responsible for binge drinking."

According to Hall, Mittmeyer and Filipp claim in their paper "Alcohol Consumption and the Moon's Influence" to have studied police arrest reports and blood-alcohol tests of 16,495 people and Mittmeyer said "The results show there is a definite correlation between new and full Moons and the amount of alcohol consumed." 

Hall writes:

More of those with an excess of 2ml of alcohol per 100ml of blood inside them - drunk, according to German law - were caught by police during the five-day full Moon cycle.

On average 175 drink[sic]-drivers per day were caught in two German states two days before a full Moon, 161 were caught during the full Moon cycle and the figure dropped to about 120 per day at other times.

This very unclear statement has to be interpreted. I took it to mean that an average of 175 drunk drivers were caught each day on days one and two of the five-day cycle. Thus, if the average for the whole five-day cycle was only 161, there were substantially fewer drunk drivers caught on the night of the full moon. Thus, it appeared to me that the researchers were not able to correlate the full moon with an increase in arrests, so they created 'the full moon cycle', a five day period, which gave them the statistical correlations they were looking for. 

Apparently, however, I was wrong in my interpretation of Hall's meaning and Hall erred in his reading of a report from the German Press Agency DPA which erred in its reading of the original paper which erred in its interpretation of the data.

Jan Willem Nienhuys, a mathematician in the Eindhoven (Netherlands) University of Technology, claims that "Hall's story is a garbled version of a story by the German Press Agency DPA." According to Nienhuys, Hall invented the notion of a five-day full Moon cycle; the expression is not used by Mittmeyer and Filipp in their paper. Furthermore, 668 of the 16,495 arrested and tested were found to be sober, leaving 15,827 with alcohol in their blood, but only 4,512 with more than 0.2 percent blood alcohol (i.e., drunk). 

According to Nienhuys, the 161 figure refers to the average number of drunk drivers arrested on any given date in the lunar month; he believes this number was arrived at by dividing 4,512 by 28 (rather than 29.53, the length of a lunar month) and hence should be 153, not 161. About the only thing Hall got right, says Nienhuys, is that Mittmeyer and Filipp do claim to have found a significant correlation between the moon and excessive drinking. He notes that the pair provide graphs but no statistical analysis of their data. When such an analysis is done, says Nienhuys, one discovers that the study is "pompous pseudoscience." According to Nienhuys, a standard statistical test yields p-values which show that there is nothing to investigate.

Here is the data, according to Nienhuys. Day 0 is the day of the new moon and day 14 is the full moon.

day      drunks   drinkers, including drunks
0 145 551
1 160 528
2 162 552
3 122 527
4 162 538
5 157 531
6 156 504
7 158 560
8 140 523
9 152 540
10 150 552
11 146 477
12 173 563
13 150 545
14 150 523
15 149 498
16 145 543
17 142 539
18 143 507
19 119 508
20 157 532
21 163 552
22 156 513
23 148 530
24 154 528
25 158 536
26 175 582
27 176 581
28 169 590
4437 15553
missing 75 274
4512 15827

The three big days were the 12th, 26th and 27th. You figure it out!

(Nienhuys article, entitled "Triply garbled tripe" is being prepared for
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The Drummerboy

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5/7/2007 12:42:04 PM
Hi Kathy!  :-)

I would like some answers on this too!  My toothbrush and razor budget is insane!

~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

Kathy Hamilton

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5/7/2007 12:44:02 PM
OMG Brian,
Stop!!!!You Make me laugh so hard!!!!!!!!! Your to Classic!!!lol lol
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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