Statistics on Identity theft are alarming, some estimates are as high as 27,000 per day. There's a lot of information on ID theft and a lot of misinformation also.
The biggest misconception is that Identity theft is financial only. It can actually be your finances, social security number, driver's license information, medical history of your good name. Each has different consequences. Each has different misconceptions too.
Take financial ID theft. How many times do we hear "you won't be held liable for fraudulent charges". Truth is the way the law is written in America there's a big loophole. You have to report the fraudulent charges within 60 days of the bill being issued. Suppose someone opens an account in your name you don't know about and you find out when you try to buy a car six months down the line. You can be held liable for every bit of the debt the ID thief incurs.
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