
Who is Nan Herring?

Nan Herring

Nan Herring
Member SinceWednesday, July 6, 2005
Last ActivityTuesday, September 21, 2010
LocationAlbany, New York, United States United States
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About Me
About Me

It was 6am on a very warm, dusty day on August 5,1947 in Troy, New York. The old alarm clock started the day. My Mom started to get up to put the coffee on the stove to boil. She never made it to the kitchen that morning. I had decided that this would be my birthday, and I was on my way into this world. My Dad ran to get the Doctor. When they got back my Mom and I were waiting to introduce me to my Dad

It was a wonderful neighborhood to grow up in. Everybody was included in everything. A huge dinner party could be started by someone saying "I made soup. Come, and bring some bread." If a kid was bad, every mother in the neighborhood had a punishment waiting. Most of the time though, it was wonderful just to be alive. There was no class, or race, or anyone different. It was just one big happy family.

My baby sister was born almost as quickly on December 12, 1951. By then my dad was making $65.00 a week and we thought we were doing great. Just before my 15th. birthday, we lost my Mom and my Dad had to step up to finish raising his girls. He did it without ever once complaining, or asking for help.

I went on to be the first one in our family to graduate from Troy High School, and took some courses in business and accounting. We lost my Dad when I was 27. I worked for 15 years as a clerk for the Albany County Board Of Elections. I met the "soon to be best friend" a girl could have and soon to be the love of my life in March of 1983. We later hit the road with a wonderful candy contract, and did auctions up and down the whole east coast.

About 6 years ago I won an old 3.1 computer in a $5.00 raffle at an auction in Aiken, Ga. We hauled it home and I learned the basics. That poor thing couldn't even get on the internet. We had been doing some MLM programs and wanted to try eBay so we bought our first computer. That started a whole new phase in my life. Soon, I was either Manager or Co-manager of no less then 11 Msn groups at a time; building sites, learning graphic programs, and advertising my MLM projects on the net.

On July 6, 2005 I came to AdlandPro to post an ad for Gano Excel. I started reading. I read some more, and I read some more. Well, my Gano Excel Ad never did do well, although the products are wonderful and I am still a rep. for them. Something else happened that changed the course of my path in August. Greer Trombly was forming G Team and asked if I would do a little work with them. Well, I did and met Kenneth Sword who became a good friend and teacher.

Kenneth is "The Blog Guy" here now, and the CEO of We did a few things together and when BizzyBlogz started, of course I had to learn to blog. I got BBF. I know it sounds awful, but it is BizzyBlogz Fever. Kenneth taught me until now I have four blogs that are doing very well, and I can teach and answer questions for other members. Now, how cool is that!

You can join free, get 2 blogs, all the best tools and help that you will ever need. Then, if your needs grow, or you want to podcast or vlogcast, you can upgrade very reasonably. It's the new way to do business or just plain have fun on the net. BizzyBlogz is a safe, easy, environment to work and play and grow in.

My Interests
My Interests (3)
Interests: Family, Friends
Industries: MLM
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Phillip Black - (8/4/2011 5:53:10 PM) : Hi Nan, Just drpped by to wish you a Happy Birthday. May all of your Birthday dreams and wishes come true. Phil
Cynthia Wright - (7/25/2011 9:36:05 PM) : Hey NAN... I'm interested in knowing more.. (*_*)... you also might want to share your news on it's a Networking Site and start'n to POP! please let me know what you got go'n on.. set up your profile at and I'll ad you to my friends list (~_*) by the way I'm bUneek there too (*_*)
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