About Me
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About Me
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My life is taken up with looking after my two sons aged 23 & 19. I run my online business. Please take a look at my forum to see the variety of businesses that I am involved in. I am an Active Trainer in Veretekk, also Master Distributor of Vereconference, I also have a selection of lead building and business tool affiliate sites that I promote. I am a Softfurnisher and Design consultant, & fibre Artist,
SKYPE: deehudson
Quickonnex: deesincomebuilder Tel: +44 7868933202 Take Care Because I care Dee Hudson
My Interests
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My Interests
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Interests: Family, Friends, Homemaking, Interior Design, Kids, Lifestyle, Alumni, Learning, Self-Development, Teaching, Relaxation, Beauty, Female Health, Holistic, Cards and Games, Cooking, Crafts, Reading, Puzzles, Collecting, Shopping, Jokes and Quotes, Magic, Writing, Art, History, Making Music, Philosophy, Photography, Poetry, Modern Art, Painting, Blogs, E-Books, Computers, Multimedia, Internet, Software, VOIP, Video Games, Pop Culture, Movies and Film, TV, Audio/Video, News, Current Events, Radio, Music, Lotteries, Cars, Travel, Golf, Gardening, Nature, Dogs, Horses, Other Pets, Cats, Birds, Fish, Reptiles, Small Pets, Swimming, Bowling, Skiing
Industries: Advertising, Affiliates, Direct Selling, E-Business, Finances, Marketing, MLM, Networking, Bizopp, Investing, Homemaking, Interior Design, Lifestyle, Alumni, Languages, Learning, Psychology, Self-Development, Teaching, Fitness, Relaxation, Beauty, Nutrition, General Health, Female Health, Holistic, Cards and Games, Crafts, Shopping, Writing, Art, History, Making Music, Philosophy, Photography, Poetry, Modern Art, Painting, Blogs, E-Books, Computers, Multimedia, Internet, VOIP, Pop Culture, Movies and Film, TV, Audio/Video, News, Radio, Music, Lotteries, Travel, Golf, Gardening, Nature, Cats