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Rampage of Appreciation
5/1/2007 8:15:02 PM

This is a rampage of appreciation for my daughter.....

For those of you who know what it is ..... wish me good blissings...

My daughter....

she is loveable and laughable and more tough than I remember being. I see myself in her even in the girly moments and when she is a bruiser with all the boys. She obviously has excellent talent! One that she DID NOT get from me. She must have inherited that from her grandmother. Her life is growing in front of my eyes from a tiny premie baby to an eight year old girl. She is just a glimpse of her former self, I can still see it in her twinkle and her smile and the way she holds herself. Her passion is being creative. She has a wonderful imagination and wonderful talent for art and drawing crazy figures.

From Cinderella dressing up, toys, video games, dolls, and books, rock collecting, bug catching, and playing rough out in the yard.

She is still a princess with a bit of pauper mixed in.


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