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we each need a blueprint
4/30/2007 8:33:22 PM

In this lifetime, there is no greater project than the deliberate development of our own lives. Therefore, we each need a "blueprint" - somthing or someone to look at and pattern ourselves after - if we want to make change & progress.

~Jim Rohn pg 26 The Five Magor Pieces to the Life Puzzle

Even in our younger years we are modeling ourselves after others. Some good, some great, some not so great. We pick and choose those behaviors that then become part of our character.

As we get older, we continue to develop and evolve into the person we are today.

As Jim Rohn says, "Who are the people hanging around you, what are they doing to you, AND is that OKAY with you."

Sometimes we need to make decisions to eliminate the negative influences in our lives that keep us stagnate in life.

Become future focused.

If it's success you desire, follow the successful people in life. Model yourself after whomever you admire. Take bits and pieces of what you do like and make it part of who you are. Follow the system that is ALREADY in place.

You'll know if it's a fit if it feels good. If not, then find something else that is a fit.

I've modeled myself now for almost 1 year after the successful people in Herbalife. I will continue to develop into the person that I want to become and achieve the success and all the good things in life that I deserve.

"Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love." from the abraham-hicks forum.

Mondai Nai,






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